Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ten most-read personality profiles of 2014

Jeff Koinange made for’s most read profile of the year. PHOTO | FILE
Jeff Koinange made for’s most read profile of the year. PHOTO | FILE 

Who were the ten people whose life stories on captured your imagination most this year?

The answer to that question, we found, includes a few surprises among the names we expected to see. To inspire your choices and actions in the new year, here are our ten most-read profiles of 2014:
10 Christian Turner
You expect a suited, robotic diplomat. Instead you get Dr Christian Turner’s open-collared ease (“No diplomat should ever travel without a disco ball.”). The 41-year-old former documentary maker had plenty to say about… plenty.
9 Alec Davis
We have never drilled boreholes, says the man that has been at the helm of Davis & Shirtliff for a decade and a half. Oddly, many people think that’s what they do. Alec Davis, 64, set us right on this and on the secrets to a happy marriage and satisfaction in life.
8 John Gachora
After more than 20 years abroad, this former “village boy” and Alliance High School alumnus returned to Kenya as NIC Bank’s top man. He’s an MIT-trained engineer and the first indigenous Kenyan to be a Wall Street MD. He chats with us about getting there from the humble rural village of Gatamaiyu.
7 Alice Chuaga
This farmer from Nyeri county built her first ‘jua kali’ greenhouse for just Sh16,000 (less than $200) using cheap materials. Now she is raking in big money as a farm produce supplier.
6 David Owino

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