Monday, December 22, 2014

Safety tips you should apply during this festive season

Some shoppers flock Thika Road Mall on the Christmas in this December 24, 2013. FILE PHOTO | JEFF ANGOTE | NATION MEDIA GROUP
Some shoppers flock Thika Road Mall on the Christmas in this December 24, 2013. FILE PHOTO | JEFF ANGOTE | NATION MEDIA GROUP 
By Mwenda Mbijiwe
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As we enter the festive, we need to remind ourselves that, whilst we celebrate, there are people seeking to harm us.
It won’t then hurt to pay a little more attention to our security. If you will be travelling, avoid leaving ‘no-one at home’ signs like lights on and curtains closed during the day. Keep your doors locked and windows closed. Advise children the correct way to answer the front door or calls. Install a safety chain on the front door and use it. Keep valuables safely.
Be aware of who is near you when using cash machines or shopping. As much as possible, try to use ATMs inside banks, hotels or shopping centres. Carry your cash, keys and credit cards separately. Avoid carrying unneeded ATM cards.
Always carry your wallet in your front pocket. Carry handbags under your arm and away from the side of the street with traffic. Always check your purse, bag or wallet if someone ‘accidentally’ bumps into you. Do not follow anyone who wants to help you shop or take you to their shop.
Beware of distractions such as people who feign sickness or arguments.
Avoid talking on mobile phones in public as you will not be fully aware of your surroundings.
Be vigilant when returning to your car and loading your purchases. Shop with at least one other person.
Appearing lost will attract the attention of criminals. Even if lost, stay sharp and in control. Do not alight from your car to ask for direction unless it is safe to do so. In the unfortunate event that you become a victim of crime, please do not resist. Report any incident immediately to the nearest police station.
When travelling, ensure that your luggage is locked. Keep your ID or passport and other essential documentation on your person. Use only authorised taxis at airports. Do not pick up hitchhikers.
If someone demands your car, give it to them. It can be replaced. Let someone know your travel plans, routes and anticipated timings.
Select hotels with adequate security. If closely followed and you are approaching your room, walk to a public location.
Kidnappers and other criminals target the most vulnerable people. Always Be aware. Be Prepared. Be Involved. Be Safe.
Mwenda Mbijiwe is a security consultant.

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