Retired President Ali Hassan Mwinyi (R) receives
information from the Rotary Dar Marathon Board Chair Sharmila Bhatt
(L)about the new Xray machine donated to the Rotary Pediatric Oncology
The ward which was built by Rotarians and was handed over on Aug
1st 2013 at a cost of 1.3Billion tshs is now in operation for the last
year. The hospital has 26 beds , isolation wards for kids with infection
, piped oxygen and all essential medical equipment.
Speaking at the event which was held recently at the Rotary
Pediatric Oncology Ward, Mzee Mwinyi said he was proud to be a patron of
Rotary Dar Marathon and for the past 5 years he has seen great
community service carried our by Rotarians.
“I am very pleased with the progress of this project and immense
efforts made by Rotarians in supporting the community welfare” said Mzee
Mwinyi adding that he is even delighted to see that Rotary and partners
did not just hand over the ward and let it go, but they have
consistently continued supporting the ward by bringing more needed
On her side, the Managing Director of Muhimbili National Hospital
Dr. Marina Njelekela, said that the mobile X-ray machine is very
important for such a ward. She said the hospital will make sure that the
ward and all equipment are properly kept and maintained. She also
commended Rotary for the bold move of embarking into such a project a
project which will eventually serve hundreds and hundreds of children
suffering from cancer.
Rotary International is the world's first service club
organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs
worldwide. Rotary club members are business leaders who work locally,
regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and
sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and
eradicate polio under the motto “Service Above Self”.
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