Tuesday, July 1, 2014

First 30 seconds in marketing your firm are crucial to success

What happens if the best worker is also the most badly behaved member of the team? Photo/AFP

What happens if the best worker is also the most badly behaved member of the team? Photo/AFP 

By Odhiambo Ramogi

Upon starting a business, one realises that for the enterprise to remain a going concern, there is a need for a lot of marketing to create awareness about the existence of the business and its superior qualities, and win some buys.

Later, the business will need to lock in its clients through loyalty programmes and messages. Therefore, marketing becomes a continuous exercise.
In my experience, marketing is twofold – knowing your customers and making them know you. Knowing your customer involves market research, continuous engagement with the client and client feedback.

That way you get to know their interests and preferences so your products can meet their needs. On the other hand, making your customers know you involves preparing and passing on messages about your business from which they will form an opinion.
This process is not easy. First, it is important for a business to target a specific market instead of going for all and sundry. The target market should be specified in terms of sex, age, location, income and literacy, among others.
The business shall then devise methods of reaching this specific market with ease. Important messages will also be prepared to be passed to this group depending on what the marketing objective is.
Even after getting the strategy right, the actual marketing has never been a walk in the park. The first stop to preparing the marketing message is the power of introduction.
They say people form an opinion about you and your business in the first 30 seconds of your encounter. There is, therefore, a need for you to take advantage of those 30 seconds and make the most of them.
In this regard, it is not proper to think through what to say about your business then; instead, it is important that you prepare something in advance that you can say when faced with the question “what do you do?”
In preparing the power introduction, make sure you include your business name and location if necessary, core business and how that is making a difference or adding value to clients.
Mention some successes in your business so far and if you have serviced some big players in the market, you can drop a few names just for good measure. All this, in an organised way, within 30 seconds.
Trust me, 30 seconds is a long time! Further, be happy while introducing yourself. Talk fondly about what you do. If you sound like you hate it, others will hate it too.
On the flipside, there are a few dont’s to the rule of power introduction. Do not give the impression you are struggling unless the clients asks for challenges in which case address the challenge as such – a small challenge in the course of great success.
Further, do not use words like “I am a hustler” or “we are just trying”. It will paint you as lacking confidence and you will lose the game before you start. In addition, don’t beat about the bush in the name of giving background. Go straight to the point.
Imagine you meet Oprah Winfrey in a lift; you have 30 seconds to introduce yourself in a way that she will want your number. How would you do it?

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