Tuesday, June 24, 2014

TMA: More rains to come

Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA)
The climate outlook for June - August this year as released by Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) indicates that occasional rains are expected over the Lake Victoria Basin, North-eastern highlands and over the northern coast.

The statement was released yesterday by TMA Director General Agnes Kijazi and said although the June-August period is usually one of dry weather conditions but this time around, occasional rains are to be expected in those areas.

According to the statement, Lake Victoria basin, including Mara and Kagera regions, will experience occasional rain showers especially during the months of July and August 2014.

Occasional rains are expected also during the end of June and for the months of July and August 2014 in the Northern coast and hinterlands such as Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Coast, northern part of Morogoro regions and isles of Unguja and Pemba, Northeastern highlands including Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions.

On temperature forecast, the statement showed that during this June-August period, most parts of the country that usually experience dry and cold conditions are now going to face likelihood of warm and low temperatures during night times and early morning hours.

Some areas which will experience these low temperatures include the Lake Victoria basin regions of Mwanza, Mara, Geita, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Kagera while southern parts of Shinyanga and Simiyu regions are likely to experience normal minimum temperatures.

Northern coast and hinterlands (Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Coast, northern part of Morogoro regions and isles of Unguja and Pemba) will face above normal minimum temperatures (more than 22.9 0C) while below normal minimum temperatures (less than 15.9 0C) are expected over high grounds areas of Tanga Region.

The statement urged for appropriate measures to be taken to ensure preparedness, response, and mitigation of any negative impacts resulting from the expected weather conditions. 

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