Monday, June 23, 2014

The Worst Retirement Planning Advice I've Ever Gotten

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul weighs in on Iraq crisis. (Reuters)

Retirement planning can be an insanely complex process. Because every individual has his or her own unique circumstances, coming up with a one-size-fits-all rule is extremely difficult.
There are times, however, where some maxims are so obvious that they're worth repeating. One of the most popular of these maxims is: "Save 10%-15% of your income for retirement." It seems obvious that such a move is in everyone's best interest.

But as you'll see in the following video, The Motley Fool's Brian Stoffel will explain how this principle becomes more and more insidious as your career progresses. By taking a different, less common approach, he explains how you can cut years off the time between now and your retirement.
Retirement planning: how to get more from social security
Social Security plays a key role in your financial security, but it's not the only way to boost your retirement income. In our brand-new free report, our retirement experts give their insight on a simple strategy to take advantage of a little-known IRS rule that can help ensure a more comfortable retirement for you and your family. Click here to get your copy today.

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