Saturday, June 21, 2014

Limuru police warn of fake currency in circulation

Limuru Area police boss Moses Owiti displays a fake Euro 100 dumped along the Kamirithu-Limuru-Mai Mahiu road. The fake currency was recovered following a tip off from members for the public. PHOTO | ANNE MACHARIA
Limuru Area police boss Moses Owiti displays a fake Euro 100 dumped along the Kamirithu-Limuru-Mai Mahiu road. The fake currency was recovered following a tip off from members for the public. PHOTO | ANNE MACHARIA 
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Police in Limuru Saturday warned of fake money in circulation after they found a box full of counterfeit currency dumped along the Kamirithu-Limuru-Mai Mahiu road.

The fake currency was recovered following a tip off from members of the public about the box containing 1000 pieces of fake Sh1000 notes and 20 pieces of fake Euro 100.
Limuru Area Police boss Moses Owiti said that police from the Mutarakwa police post recovered the fake currency that was dumped along the road.
“We wish to warn the area residents that there might be fake currency in circulation within the area, and they must be careful when doing business.”
“We suspect there are people doing money laundering in the area and this is only a few fake notes that were spoilt during processing and were dumped here. We are investigating the source of this fake currency,” said Mr Owiti, Officer Commanding Police Division.
The fake currency did not have the standard symbols usually on the Kenyan currency or the Euro.
OCPD Owiti warned those processing the fake money to stop or face the law.
The fake currency was found along the Mai Mahiu road, used by tourists travelling to the Maasai Mara Game Reserve especially during this season to see the world-famous wildebeest migration.
The fake Euro is suspected to target the tourists or sabotage their stay in the country.
Area businessman Macharia wa Wainaina urged the locals to always check on the money they receive while doing business.
He said, “There are people out there who want to make money without breaking a sweat, and we must take care by double checking on the money we get in our hands and make sure fake currency is not in circulation.

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