Tuesday, June 24, 2014

'Improved packaging and labeling crucial in exploring markets'

Small industries Development Organisation (Sido)
The Small industries Development Organisation (Sido) and Price WaterHouseCoopers (PWC) have been urged to put more effort in packaging and labeling so as to explore more market opportunities in Ruvuma Region.

This was said recently by Ruvuma Regional Commissioner Said Mwambungu when he visited Muvi projects being implemented by Sido in his region.

The Regional Commissioner was accompanied by Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) Hassan Bendeyeko, Namtumbo District Commissioner Abdulla Lutavi, SIDO Regional Manager Emmanuel Makere and PWC official Ralph Kananga.

He said in a statement issued by Sido that would be one of the major ways that could transform the economy and lives of Tanzanians particularly those living in rural areas.

Mwambungu also touched on project sustainability whereby he pointed out that there is a need to involve Council Management Teams (CMT) in all districts where the MUVI project operates.

This involvement will create ownership and make the councils responsible in monitoring the progress of the project so as to ensure its sustainability.
The MUVI project comprises three value chains in Ruvuma Region namely sunflower, cassava and maize, covering the three districts of Songea Rural, Namtumbo and Mbinga.

Mwambungu also contributed 1m/- and 50 bags of cement worth of 850,000/- to the project beneficiaries.

He offered 500,000/- to Usindikaji group from Mtyangimbole village and the remaining 500,000/- to Mpandangindo group from Mpandangindo village in Ruvuma Rural District.

At least 20 bags of cement will be used to finish a building owned by Usindikaji group and the other 30 bags fpr completing the villages’ office building at Mtyangimbole village.

He also instructed Namtumbo District Council to provide two acres for Mshikamano group specifically for building a processing unit.

According to SIDO, a total of 1 million people have been reached under the rural micro, small and medium enterprises programme (RMSMES) commonly known as Muunganisho wa Ujasiriamali Vijijini (Muvi) since its inception seven years ago.

The USD32m programme which is in the final year of implementation is aimed at transforming Tanzania’s agricultural-based economy in six regions into export and market-led industry.

The organisation’s Director General, Omari Bakari, told this paper in February this year that the regions involved in the programme are Iringa, Manyara, Mwanza, Ruvuma, Tanga and Coast.

It was initiated to support the government in poverty reduction strategy, which broadly aims at transforming Tanzania’s agriculture based economy into export and market led, competitive semi-industrial but still largely agricultural-based.

MUVI programme is a result of the government’s second phase Poverty Reduction Strategy known in Kiswahili as Mkukuta.
It is strongly supported by donor communities including the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD).

The selected value chain include sunflower, cassava, livestock and fruits while the implementing partners were Business Care Services, University of Dar es Salaam, Price Water-House Coopers Limited, TISCO Associates, Match Makers Association and Africa Image Production. 

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