Friday, May 30, 2014

Govt suspends plans on Kigamboni satellite city

Kigamboni Satelite city
The government has temporarily suspended its plans on building the new satellite city of Kigamboni in Dar es Salaam to allow for a broader participation of the stakeholders.

Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda told the August House here on Wednesday evening that the process will resume after issued that have to do with involvement of the key stakeholders, including the residents in the area and leaders of Temeke Municipality have been solved.

Pinda was contributing to the budget estimate debate for the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development which was tabled on Tuesday.

The Premier said there was a need to look again into the whole process of establishing Kigamboni satellite city in order to enable it to be implemented well.

“Let us take this issue and involve a wider section of the people like the councilors and other stakeholders so that they become aware of the entire process,” he said.

The Premier said it was important to educate councilors on the whole issue so that they inform the wananchi on what is going on.

In another development, Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development minister Prof Anna Tibaijuka, said the Kigamboni Development Authority (KDA) which has its offices in the area is entrusted with all the matters related to establishment and development of the new city, adding that no piece of land will be taken away before due compensation is made.

She said Kigamboni residents will remain in the area at a resettlement city to be put up at Uvumba in Kibada Ward and they would be asked to purchase shares at KDA using the ten per cent of the money paid during compensation.

She assured them that it is government’s hope that if all goes well in the financing plan of the new city, most of the teething problems will be solved to allow the smooth undertaking of the project.

Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources said it is not satisfied with the implementation of the Kigamboni city project calling for more people’s involvement in order to enable it to operate smoothly.

Presenting their views on the budget estimates, committee member Esther Bulaya said implementation of the project has taken too long causing many people to lose confidence.

She said the committee directs the government to make sure that it involves all people at every stage of implementation of the project.

She said the government should ensure that it involves fully experts from the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Local Governments and Regional Administration, Constitutional Affairs and Justice and other stakeholders.

The committee also asked the Ministry of Works to repay the loans secured to compensate people relocated for construction of the Kigamboni Bridge at Kurasini area.

“It is our hope that if our recommendations are taken seriously by the government it would enable us to reduce land conflicts that have existed for a number of years,” she said.

The 11.6trn/- Kigamboni Satellite City Project will be implemented in three phases. The first will span 2012-2022 and the second will run through 2022-2027, while the third will be carried out from 2027 to 2032.

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