Thursday, May 29, 2014

FKE boss picked to serve on international labour body

From left: Nairobi governor Evans Kidero, Jica official Koji Noda and City Hall’s Tom Odongo during the launch on Tuesday. Photo/Phoebe Okall
From left: Nairobi governor Evans Kidero, Jica official Koji Noda and City Hall’s Tom Odongo during the launch on Tuesday. Photo/Phoebe Okall 

By George Omondi

Federation of Kenya Employers executive director Jacqueline Mugo has been elected vice president of the 2014 International Labour Conference (ILC).

Mrs Mugo was voted in by delegates from International Labour Organisation (ILO) member states in Geneva yesterday at the start of the 103rd Session of ILC which runs up to June 12.
The temporary position places her among a few Kenyans, including Central Organisation of Trade Unions (Cotu) secretary-general Francis Atwoli who served as vice president of the ILO, to play an important role in ILO.
Within global labour relations ILC is referred to as the Parliament of Labour.
It is the ILO’s highest decision making organ which crafts and adopts international labour conventions and recommendations. Administratively, the conference crafts the ILO’s general policy, work programme and budget.
During her stint, Mrs Mugo and her team will be expected to craft labour policies to guide small firms which are transiting from the informal sector to the formal economy.
Her election, and Mr Atwoli’s, are seen as the beginning of a major return by Kenyans to influential positions in ILO.
Cotu has trumpeted such appointments as global respect and recognition for Kenya’s labour movement’s progress.
In the past, the late Kijana Wamalwa, who later rose to become Kenya’s vice president; and the late Robert Ouko, a former Foreign Affairs minister, served as ILO presidents.
Apart from her current position as FKE executive director, Mrs Mugo has served as secretary-general of Business Africa, formerly the Pan-African Employers’ Confederation.
She was the first woman to hold the post in the continental body

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