Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jews, their ways and why they are in trouble with Rome


The late Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. PHOTO|FILE   NATION
By Philip Ochieng
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According to a Standard headline last Monday, “County mulls law to rein in shylocks”. The initial of "shylock" should be capped because it is the personal name of a character in Shakespeare’s play The Merchants Of Venice.

It was from his ruthless usury in the play that the name Shylock came to symbolise a ruthlessly greedy person — what Shakespeare called an “Ebrew Jew”.

For many centuries, European Christendom committed the injustice of identifying Europe’s Khazari Jews as the ones congenitally given to usurious practices and excessive love of profit.
The Khazari were a Turko-Caucasian people native to Russia’s Volga valley.

But once they converted en masse to Judaism around the seventh century AD, began claiming Semitic ancestry and, what with their ghetto mentality, started to dominate local trade everywhere — they had played themselves into the hands of Christendom’s bigotry.

They had given the Roman Church a powerful reason to manufacture a gargantuan historic lie against the Jews in general — the lie that was to dog European Jewry murderously for centuries, culminating in Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution” and thus creating the hecatomb that the Khazari call the Holocaust, which consumed six million Khazari Jews between the two world wars alone.
The Khazari had earned profound bitterness against themselves for their ghetto-based domination of local trade.

It was verily like what the piece-goods dukawallahs from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka would do throughout East Africa, thus, in Uganda, playing themselves right into the barbaric hands of Idi Amin Dada.

Such was what enabled Rome, when Constantine began flirting with the Afro-Judaean Christology that had created the Jesus tale, to manufacture a cock-and-bull story called “betrayal”.
Rome created the fixion of Judas Iscariot as the character through whom to transfer from Rome itself to the Semitic Jews the responsibility for having crucified Jesus.

The secret lies in the name Judas itself. For Judas is only the Hellenic Greek rendition of the Hebrew name Yudah, which simply referred to any male person from Judah and meant nothing more sinister than a “Jew”.

The feminine version of Yudah is Yudith, which is what the world’s Christians have borrowed, through Rome, as Judith. Both Yudah and Yudith translate simply as “Judaean” or “Jew”.

It was thus, by latching onto the name Judas, that the Roman authorities transformed Jews into a person, thus bringing Jewry into a million times sharper focus, in order to say that Judas was acting for and in the name of the Jews and thus to be able to accuse the whole people of deicide, a Latin word which meant “god-killer” — from dei (a form of deus, “God”) and caedere (“to kill”).
But one Shakespeare characters describes Shylock as “an Ebrew Jew” only for the same reason that some Mark Twain characters hurl the word “nigger” at blacks.

In 19th-century America, if some characters of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn did not hurl the word “nigger”, Mark Twain would lose all the realism that Maxim Gorky once demanded of all creative writers.

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