Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tobacco farmers in Ruvuma close offices over farm inputs claims

Said Mwambungu, Ruvuma Regional Commissioner
Tobacco farmers from 42 cooperative unions in Songea and Namtumbo Districts in Ruvuma Region have decided to close by force all offices of Songea and Namtumbo Cooperative Union Ltd (SONAMCU).

The tobacco growers reached the decision after the union failed to provide them with farm inputs for a long time.

They told the Ruvuma Regional Commissioner, Said Mwambungu and Namtumbo constituency MP Vita Kawawa that they were compelled to do so because of the painful delays in acquiring the farm inputs.

“The purpose of closing all the SONAMCU offices is to alert the union that we need the farm inputs urgently so that we can prepare the farms ready for the upcoming agricultural season and not otherwise,” one of farmers said.

Mgombasi Tobacco Cooperative Union Chairman Ramadhani Gama said SONAMCU leaders have deliberately caused delays in delivering the inputs to farmers even though the Cooperative’s law indicates that all members have to get the farm inputs on time.

Gama also said that all the 42 leaders from the cooperative unions in Songea and Namtumbo have to go to SONAMCU office to get the inputs under the supervision of the registrar of Ruvuma Cooperative Union.

For his part, Ruvuma RC Said Mwambungu said: “I ratified the decisions reached by the leaders of cooperative societies in Namtumbo and Songea districts to close Sonamcu ofcices so that the farmers could get their farm inputs, it’s their right.”

The MP for Namtumbo constituency Vita Kawawa called the Ruvuma Cooperative Union Registrar to seek for police assistance for the protection of all the assets of Sonamcu when the offices are closed and all the tobacco farmers looking for farm inputs should have the services availed.

SONAMCU General Manger Salum Mbuyu said: “We are aware of the allegations and our office is still planning on how to disburse the inputs to all the farmers.
The fertiliser belong to members of the union, therefore, there is no way SONAMCU can mistreat the farmers.”

Meanwhile, tobacco farmers from six primary cooperatives in Songea District have protested measures taken by their counterpart cooperatives leaders in Namtumbo District of expelling all employees of SONAMCU including three leaders of the union.

The leaders condemned the action calling it uncivilised and disgraceful.
Speaking to The Guardian at the weekend in Songea town, the members led by their chairman, Ally Juma, said they were shocked by the decision and that their counterparts had failed to follow procedure because they did not inform them about the meeting during which they decided to sack the leaders.

They said since their counterparts did not involve them in their meeting, they have decided to write a letter of objection to the assistant registrar of cooperative unions in Ruvuma Region seeking clarification on whether it is right to make decisions without following union procedures.

For his part, assistant registrar for Ruvuma Region, Watson Nganiwa, confirmed that he received the letter of objection last week from six primary cooperatives of Ruvuma Region but he is yet to work on it because he has been directed by the registrar to inform leaders of primary cooperatives of the main cooperative union that there will be a general meeting on Friday to resolve the matter. 

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