Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Parliament seeks workers control of NSSF

Workers from Pelican Signs Company erect new signboard on the NSSF building during its rebranding exercise on September 12, 2012.  Photo/SALATON NJAU

Workers from Pelican Signs Company erect new signboard on the NSSF building during its rebranding exercise on September 12, 2012. Photo/SALATON NJAU  Nation Media Group

MPs want workers and employers to be given absolute control over management of the NSSF.
In proposed amendments to the National Social Security Fund (Amendment) Bill 2013, the legislators opposed the powers granted to Cabinet secretary responsible for Labour and Social welfare to appoint all the 15 members of the Board of Trustees.

Ruaraka MP Tom Kajwang pointed out that section 6(2) of the Bill should be amended to remove the Cabinet secretary from appointing the Managing Trustee and Board members of the NSSF.
He was supported by Opiyo Wandai (Ugunja), George Muchai (Kabete), Gladys Wanga (Homabay) and Millie Odhiambo said the cabinet secretary had been given unchecked powers to appoint the board, a thing they said will mess up the fund further.

The MPs argued that employers and workers organisations should be given the power to nominate representatives to the board of NSSF.

“The board of NSSF will comprise no less than 15 people appointed by the cabinet secretary. NSSF is fund for workers and employers. We have had history with whose board was handpicked by ministers,” said Mr Kajwang.

He said unless the Bill is amended the cabinet secretary will have a free hand to appoint persons with no relationships with employers and employees.

“How will their interest be safeguarded? We should not throw huge amount of money belonging to workers and employers to the dogs. This will kill employers and workers unions,” he said threatening to initiate amendments.
Mr Wandai said one of biggest drawbacks to Kenyans has been lack of strong social security system owing to the lack of political will by successive regimes to empower people economically.
“NSSF has been turned into cash cow by the privileged ruling class. NSSF has failed in its primary mandate to protect contribution of its members.

The fund has failed to meet its mandate because of corruption by those in power who handpicked managing trustee and compromised the board of managing trustees,” Wandai added.

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