Thursday, August 1, 2013

World Bank reviews Dar's mammoth project for its take off

Dar es Salaam aerial view
The World Bank has agreed to donating a credit of US$75 million from the International Development Association (IDA) to improve Dar es Salaam’s Infrastructure through Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project (DMDP), starting with year 2014/2015.

DMDP is a project proposed by the Government of Tanzania and financed by World Bank, the donation is the continuation of the Tanzania Strategic Cities Project (TSCP) and Urban Local Government Strengthening Program (ULGSP) which are implemented under the same components in other cities in Tanzania. Part of TSCP funding has been used for DMDP preparation including consultancy assignments.

DMDP is set to strengthen the institutional and urban management systems of the Dar es Salaam Local Authorities (DLAs) in order to enhance the service delivery over time. The project expected to cover the districts of Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke, also the Dar es Salaam City Council (DCC).

The four basic components will cover; Institutional development for improved metropolitan and council management systems, urban infrastructure investments; Land administration systems; and Support for project Management DLAs have the responsibility in preparation and implementation of the project.
PMORALG is expected to have a support with RAS office for Technical backstopping, monitoring and consolidated reporting.

The key activities to be undertaken under DMDP include; Solid Waste Management (SWM); Local Roads; Storm Water Drainage Systems; Infrastructure Upgrading in Unplanned Settlements; Studies on Potential PPP Initiatives; Pre-feasibility Studies of Rail and Marine Transport Institutional Review and Strengthening plan; Preparation of Project Implementation Manual (PIM) including M&E arrangements; Preparation of Financial Management Manual(s) and Preparation of Procurement Management Manual(s).

Addressing DMDP stakeholders on behalf of the Director of Urban Development (DUD), Ms. Anna Mtani, during the World Bank Review Mission for DMDP on the end of June this year, the Acting Permanent Secretary, Jumanne A. Sagini said he was expecting the mission to come up with a convincing thoughts that will lead into tackling challenges in Dar es Salaam Local Authorities on intensification fiscal decentralization, improvement of responsibility in the use of Government resources, and step up of intergovernmental transfer system.

“Now the urbanization is inevitable and has turned to be an opportunity and engine for development, we want to redress our urban centers with better services through better planning and design on environment management, financial management and good governance” Mr Sagini Said.

World Bank DMDP Review Mission was officially set for scrutinizing the preparation for DMDP before the starting of its implementation.

Some of the presentations that were given on the occasion were on the Infrastructure Upgrading in Unplanned Settlements (IUUS), Local Roads, Solid waste Management, Storm water drainage, Institutional review and strengthening, Rail and Marine study.

The Upgrading of Infrastructure will facilitate redevelopment of the unplanned settlements.

The proposed urban upgrading project will have a range of positive impacts such as improving the accessibility, sanitary and hygienic conditions, and increase property value which gears to the improvement of quality of life to the people living in the project area, whereby according to IUUS only 38.5% of Dar es Salaam is planned and the rest 61.5% remain unplanned.

Presenting about Local Roads Improvement, TSCP team mentioned that the construction of roads, aims at providing safe and efficient access to social and economic activities by removing transport flow constraints, develop and upgrading of feeder roads between existing main roads, Constructing selected new road that connect emerging settlements with nearby roads, Scaling up rehabilitation and improving roads maintenance systems.

Areas that will benefit include; Temeke Municipality; Chang’ombe Road, Temeke – Mbagala Road, Nzasa – Kilungule – Buza, , Mbagala Industrial Road and Mwanamtoti road, Kijichi – Tuangoma bridge, Mchicha road.

Kinondoni Mucipality will cover, Makanya Road, Nzasa Road and Simu 2000 Road, Sokoni and MMK Roads, TANESCO – Soko la Samaki Road, Mabibo – Kisukuru – Maji ya Chumvi, Kilungule Road. While Ilala Municipality will cover; Baracuda – Kisukuru – Maji ya Chumvi, Majumba Sita – Segerea including the new bridge at Segerea, Mombasa – Mazizini – Kivule – Msongola, Kijiwe Samli – Relini, Olympio within the city centre and Ulongoni – Kinyerezi.
The roads will be supported with safety features to increase safety, roads will be provided with street lighting (powered by solar).

The roadway sides have been designed with pedestrian walkways which shall also serve bicycles, there are bus bays that will have parking for commercial motor bikes and raised passengers’ stands, Speed humps and pedestrian crossings have been proposed for all school locations and on other strategic positions.

Expressing his feelings on the project preparation overview, Hon. Faustine Ndugulile, Kigamboni-MP cautioned PMO-RALG on giving priorities to local citizens on advising the requirements on their areas instead of letting only consultatant to advise after them.

Hon. Ndungulile continued stressing that, “always there is a worry that the Citizen concerns are not taken into consideration much as it should be, the Local people are the ones who knows much about their surrounding environment, you should set a room for their main concerns to be taken into consideration too”

Ilala Municipal Council Mayor, Hon. Jerry Silaa during his speech on the project implementation, cemented PMO-RALG to be careful with their project coordination, that all the procedures for the implementation should be set well. He also praised the work of TSCP that has changed the outlook of the cities in the country enormously.

In his statement about the Solid waste Management presentation, the Kinondoni Director Musa Nnati confronted the idea of having Landfill areas for managing garbage. He said; “It is about time that we should also think about recycling all garbage instead of finding places for landfills as other developed countries do”.

David Mulongo, a representative from World Bank insisted on the properly agreed plan for the implementation of DMDP, from all areas, including the political will and other stakeholders which will yield to good results on the implementation part.

DMDP is expected to Improve service delivery, expand urban infrastructure, and enhance capacity on Local governments to generate own source revenues, improve urban planning, and strengthen financial management, procurement, environmental and social systems.

According to research done by The United Nations, 2004; Urbanization is fast occurring in developing countries especially those in Africa and Asia and with African countries experiencing the most rapid urbanization, the research also indicated that urbanization in developing countries is due to rural – urban migration which results to problems such as inadequate infrastructure, waste management and inadequate housing, where by these problems are difficult to eradicate or control.

We live in an urban world. Half of the world’s population already lives in cities and therefore like other countries, Tanzania has been facing the challenges of the urban World, especially on her famous city of Dar es Salaam.

The developed countries continue to battle these problems, but they are worse in the developing countries. In order to overcome these problems, the developing countries turn to International donor agencies for assistance. 

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