Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Support African govts, Uhuru urges Kenyans in diaspora

PHOTO | ANDREW COWIE President Uhuru Kenyatta (R) leaves a hotel in central London on May 7, 2013, as he prepares to attend a conference on Somalia.
PHOTO | ANDREW COWIE President Uhuru Kenyatta (R) leaves a hotel in central London on May 7, 2013, as he prepares to attend a conference on Somalia.  AFP

In Summary
  • The President decried the negative focus by international media outlets that often portrays Africa as a hopeless continent bedevilled with poverty, conflicts and disease.
  • He noted that despite a history of difficulties, Africa is now a rising continent and a place of hope and opportunity adding that all countries in the world experience challenges.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has asked Kenyans in the diaspora to support African governments for development and prosperity.

He urged them to be good ambassadors to their country and the African continent.
The President decried the negative focus by international media outlets that often portrays Africa as a hopeless continent bedevilled with poverty, conflicts and disease.

Speaking during a meeting with Kenyans in London, he noted that despite a history of difficulties, Africa is now a rising continent and a place of hope and opportunity adding that all countries in the world experience challenges.

Lamu Senator Abu Chiaba said there are many opportunities for investments that the Kenyan diaspora should exploit.

He cited the Lamu Port South Sudan and Ethiopia Transport (Lapsset) corridor as a project that offers lucrative investment opportunities.

Kenyan High Commissioner to UK Ephraim Ngare reiterated the need to actively involve the diaspora in the development process adding that they were keen on investing back home.

He said there are over 3 million Kenyans living abroad who remit approximately USD891 million (KSh74 billion) each year into the country.

“To tap this huge potential for development, there is need to put in place the necessary infrastructure, including innovative financial instruments, that will enable the Kenyan diaspora invest in their own development as well as the development of their country”, said Ambassador Kiarie.

Mrs Wanjiru Kangethe, Councillor of London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and Sam Ochieng, former chair of the UK Kenyan Diaspora, urged the government to step up measures that will enable the Kenyan Diaspora to fully participate in the next elections.

Also present at the meeting were the Attorney General Githu Muigai and Foreign Affairs PS Thuita Mwangi.

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