Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Official calls on women to engage in entrepreneurship

Member of Parliament Chiku Abwao (Special Seat-CHADEMA), contributes during a Bunge season in Dodoma yesterday. PHOTO| EDWIN MJWAHUZI

In Summary
I told them that doing so would be better than depending on men for everything,” she said, adding that women must work hard to support men in taking care of their families.


Women in Mbeya Region have been encouraged to engage fully in entrepreneurship activities - such as keeping chicken, animals and engaging in agriculture - in order to improve their standards of living rather than being dependent on men.

The call was recently made by Mbeya regional Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Women wing chairperson, Ms Priscilla Mbwaga, when speaking with The Citizen on her official visits to seven districts in the region since being elected chairwoman at the end of last year.

Ms Mbwaga, who is professionally an agricultural research officer and environmental facilitator, told this paper: “I visited seven districts including Mbarali, Chunya, Kyela and main message was to encourage women to engage in entrepreneurship activities such as keeping chicken and livestock as well as farming to make their lives better. I told them that doing so would be better than depending on men for everything,” she said, adding that women must work hard to support men in taking care of their families. “As a servant leader who also deals with entrepreneurship activities, I am always ready to support groups whenever they need my support,” she noted.

She also encouraged women to form groups to enable them access loans from district councils, noting that the latter were instructed by the government to spare ten per cent of their funds every year to enable women and youth groups to get loans.

She also called on district officials to inform the public on forming groups and registering them without bureaucracy.
Ms Mbwaga was expecting to have official visits in Ileje and Mbozi districts to spread the same message of entrepreneurship. Her future plans are to visit the districts for the second time to make a follow up and ensuring that every ward has a registered group

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