Thursday, May 2, 2013

Govt to turn Kampala slum to low cost housing estate

A resident walks to his low-cost house in Kiryandongo. About 300 acres of land will be developed in collaboration with the resident community.
A resident walks to his low-cost house in Kiryandongo. About 300 acres of land will be developed in collaboration with the resident community. FILE PHOTO 

Arrangements have been finalised for the construction of low cost housing units, in the move to redevelop Kireka slum into a modern estate for city dwellers, a senior government official has said.
National Housing and Construction corporation will initially invest Shs500 billion in the project.

Under the plan, government in partnership with National Housing and Construction Company (NHCC) and Non-Government Organisations – Slum Dwellers International and ACTogether, through a public-private partnership are slated to implement the slum upgrade project.
The acres

The director of housing, Ms Agnes Kalibbala, said about 300 acres of land will be developed in collaboration with the resident community. “The land to be developed belongs to NHCC but it has squatters whom we are going to collaborate with to fulfill government strategy. We are targeting re-development of all slum areas into modern housing facilities as part of development and people will be entitled to buy the facilities,” said Ms Kalibbala, adding that NGOs will be charged with mobilising the communities to save in order to benefit from the project.

According to Ms Kalibbala, the land set for redevelopment is on Kireka Hill, Kira Town Council at the border between Kampala and Wakiso districts comprising of the Police Special Investigations Unit (SIU).

“Since access to adequate housing is one of the basic human rights, there is still a gap. This is why NHCC is devoted to continue providing decent housing to allow majority of Ugandans enjoy the right to housing,” said Ms Kalibbala.
The partnership

Ms Kalibbala also said that NHCC has signed a joint venture with Housing Finance Bank to offer opportunities to customers to own an important resource of wealth through acquiring quality homes.
According to the 2009/2010 National Housing Survey, the current national housing deficit is at 1,171,393 units.

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