Friday, February 15, 2013

Uhuru, Raila lead in social media chatter

Jubilee's presidential aspirant and Cord's Raila Odinga have drawn the largest number of social media conversations. On the elections website –, the two candidates have had the largest share of conversations over the last 30 days, with the PM being mentioned in 195,869 and Mr Kenyatta in 150,599 conversations on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and reader comments on news sites covering the election.  FILE/WILLIAM OERI
By NATION REPORTERS  ( email the author)

Posted  Thursday, February 14  2013 at  22:30
In Summary
  • On the elections website –, the two candidates have had the largest share of conversations over the last 30 days, with the PM being mentioned in 195,869 and Mr Kenyatta in 150,599 conversations on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and reader comments on news sites covering the election

Jubilee Coalition presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta has drawn the largest number of social media conversations about land and ethnicity over the past 30 days, the Nation’s elections sentiment tracker shows.
Mr Kenyatta’s statements on land between January 15 and February 14 have generated 5,311 comments, says the analysis, with 1,048 being negative and 4,099 neutral.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s statements on the same subject generated 4,993 conversations, 1,049 negative and 3,649 neutral.

Land and ethnicity are some of the 12 key issues seen by the Nation to be critical for Kenya’s growth.
On the elections website –, the two candidates have had the largest share of conversations over the last 30 days, with the PM being mentioned in 195,869 and Mr Kenyatta in 150,599 conversations on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and reader comments on news sites covering the election.

Mr Paul Muite and Mohammed Diba are excluded because their candidature was confirmed after the tracking begun, but will be included in future.

Of the six, Prof James ole Kiyiapi has had the biggest turnaround, gaining 1,825 per cent, in driving online conversations over the last 30 days compared to the period between December 15, 2012 and mid-January.
On Education, Mr Odinga’s statements have drawn the largest number of conversations at 1,866, with Mr Kenyatta coming in second with 1,271 online discussions.

Prof Kiyiapi (1,096), Mr Musalia Mudavadi (1,015), Ms Martha Karua (1,000) and Mr Peter Kenneth (471) follow.

Largest turnaround
Despite her lowly ranking on this issue, Ms Karua has a 1,823 per cent change and had the largest turnaround in driving conversations from her statements on education.

Mr Mudavadi-1,168 per cent- and Prof ole Kiyiapi- 1,104 per cent -have also significantly changed in this issue.

Another social media tracker, Radian6, placed Mr Kenyatta and Mr Odinga ahead in mentions in the last seven days with conversations around the eight candidates hoting up early this week due to Monday’s Presidential Debate.

The PM leads with 195,305 of the total 464,423 posts over the last 30 days followed by Uhuru (149,822). Mr Kenneth (36,202), Mr Mudavadi (33,378), Ms Karua (27, 072) and Prof Kiyiapi (22,639) closes list of the first six.
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