Monday, February 18, 2013

NSSF to construct new port in Tanga

18th February 2013
National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has expressed its interest to build a new port along deepest shores of the Indian Ocean in Muheza District, Tanga region.

Addressing the just-concluded third stakeholders’ forum in Arusha, Director of Projects and Investments of NSSF, Yakub Kitula, said that the proposed port is different from the one which is under construction in Mwambani area.

“This port will be located in an area which is adjacent to Muheza District…one of the deepest natural harbours in the world...”

Kitula said that the harbour is expected to serve as a gateway to landlocked countries of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.

It is also expected to reduce congestion at the key regional ports of Mombasa and Dar es Salaam and is in line with the East African Community initiative to improve transport infrastructures across the region.
The NSSF proposal makes the planned Tanga-Arusha-Musoma-Kampala railway line a real phenomena rather than a dream.

“NSSF believes that by investing in that area, job opportunities will be created, the scope of revenue collections will also be expanded and the fund’s members will enjoy sustainable income growth…” he assured their stakeholders and potential clients.

The fund has its focus on other investment options, as Kitula revealed such as upgrading country’s unplanned settlements in the major cities.

“Our target is to improve the living condition…the general welfare… and to give people better a life...” he further explained that the fund plans to demolish houses set up in unplanned areas and come up with better buildings prioritising ownership to previous owners or compensation. No period of project commencement was divulged at the time.

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