Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Promoting and Developing Social Security Worldwide

The International Social Security Association is the principal international institution bringing together social security agencies and organizations. The ISSA’s aim is to promote dynamic social security as the social dimension in a globalizing world by supporting excellence in social security administration. Founded in 1927, the ISSA has its headquarters at the International Labour Office, in Geneva.
The ISSA provides access to information, expert advice, business standards, practical guidelines and platforms for members to build and promote dynamic social security systems worldwide. The vision of dynamic social security provides a framework for the ISSA's action.
Dynamic social security refers to social security systems that are accessible, sustainable, adequate, socially inclusive and economically productive, and that are based on performing, well-governed, proactive and innovative social security institutions. In line with the nature of the ISSA as an association of social security institutions, the vision of promoting dynamic social security ties social security improvements to the capacities and performance of these institutions.

The membership has defined the following four strategic objectives:
  • Provide relevant knowledge to member institutions and facilitate the internalization of this knowledge
  • Offer relevant networks and international platforms for members to exchange
  • Promote dynamic social security at the international level
  • Ensure high service levels for member organizations, efficient programme delivery and good governance of the Association

In the current triennium, the ISSA programme focuses on working with members in four priority areas :
  • Administrative and operational efficiency and effectiveness
  • Extension of social security coverage
  • Proactive and preventive approaches in social security
  • Adequacy and quality of social security benefits and services

Following the publication of guidelines on the investment of social security funds and on good governance, the ISSA Secretariat will give priority to the development of guidelines for other key areas of social security, which are intended to provide social security institutions with general principles and considerations for board members and senior management.
To implement a range of projects and activities, the ISSA Secretariat works closely with its Technical Commissions, and the Special Commission on Prevention and its unique network of International Prevention Sections. The ISSA organizes four Regional Social Security Forums during the triennium, and a series of topic-related Technical Seminars and International Conferences on key social security issues.
The ISSA monitors and disseminates, mainly via its Web portal, data on national social security programmes as well as the results of research and policy analysis. The Association facilitates the collection and exchange of good practices and the improvement of social security through knowledge transfer and advocacy.
The ISSA maintains close partnerships with the International Labour Organization and with other international bodies active in the field of social security. 

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