Cord Leader Raila Odinga. " sure are you that these things are
happening due to misrule by the Jubilee administration? In any case,
except for the terrorist attacks, what else is new in Kenya?" PHOTO:
This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Raila Odinga, leader of the Cord Alliance and the Orange Democratic Movement.
Sir, since you have made writing open letters to superiors both
acceptable and respectable, I write one to you in the hope that you will
at least read it, even if I dare not insist you respond in kind.
in case you wonder where I am coming from, I was born in Gatundu just
before independence, and the country’s first president, Mzee Jomo
Kenyatta, was my first and only MP for the first 15 years.
was too young to know what was happening on the political front then,
although I do remember that the school choir, of which I was a member,
occasionally sang for Mzee and your father, Vice-President Oginga
Odinga. As a reward, my school-mates and I received our first ever pair
of shoes.
only came to learn much later that the two stalwart fighters for
independence had differed politically and parted ways when I innocently
asked why they were no longer wearing similar beaded caps in public.
50 years later, the scion of Jaramogi is locked in a tense political
contest with Mzee Kenyatta’s son, Uhuru, who is the country’s fourth
president, having been elected by the majority of Kenyans in a
democratic contest.
The fact that President Kenyatta
defeated you a year ago in elections adjudged to have been largely free
and fair does not seem to have satisfied your ambition.
do not like the way the country is being run and since it is your
democratic right to say so, nobody is trying to stop you. The
institutions of governance are also protecting your right to make your
views known.
Too, the stark reality is on your side.
We, as a country, are indeed in deep trouble. Insecurity has gone out of
control. Terrorists have run amok, while strange massacres are
occurring every other day in parts of the country.
crime has become common, while our security and intelligence organs
appear to be overwhelmed, or so preoccupied with peripheral issues they
do not have much time for gathering intelligence.
that, the lords of grand corruption are still calling the shots, and
now that graft has descended to the devolved units, we seem to have lost
the plot.
The cost of living is going up by leaps and
bounds, while the gap between the rich and poor keeps widening. At the
same time, negative ethnicity has been corroding our very soul as a
nation-state. In short, there is no shortage of serious issues
confronting us.
But, Sir, how sure are you that these
things are happening due to misrule by the Jubilee administration? In
any case, except for the terrorist attacks, what else is new in Kenya?
my humble opinion, you have picked on absolutely the wrong solution to
these intractable problems. You have decided that mass mobilisation and
calls for national dialogue is the way to go.
But the
Kenyans who you purport to talk for are beginning to ask questions, and
unless you change your strategy, they are likely to add two and two
together and probably arrive at the wrong answer.
first question is, before you left for studies in the United States
after the abortive ODM elections, there was no mention of national
dialogue or even private talks with the President. Why now?
second one is, to mobilise and bus thousands of citizens from one rally
to the other across the country requires serious money. Where did all
that cash come from, all of a sudden?
Thirdly, some of
your acolytes, a number of them astute lawyers, have been talking about
making this country ungovernable, or even evoking the bugbear of
In the same breath, they cite the
sacrosanctity of the Constitution. How do you adhere to the Constitution
while seeking ways to undermine it?
Sir, if you have
any doubts that your course of action may backfire, listen to what one
of your supporters, former Speaker Kenneth Marende, has to say on the
“Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto need enough
time to serve Kenyans instead of diverting their attention to calls for
national dialogue which has a hidden agenda.”
I rest my case.
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