Monday, June 17, 2024

DC directs NSSF land invaders to vacate

DAR ES SALAAM: MINISTER for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements, Mr Jerry Silaa when had ordered for arrest of three suspects over fraudulently selling the land belonging to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) at Toangoma area in Temeke District. 

Florian Jamax

DAR ES SALAAM: TEMEKE District Commissioner Sixtus Mapunda has ordered residents who invaded the land belonging to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) at

Toangoma area to vacate immediately to allow development of the land.

Mr Mapunda issued the directive at the weekend when he visited the area at Malela Street.

He said the fund’s plan was to construct schools, markets and hospitals, asking them to leave to avoid losses during house demolition which starts tomorrow.

“All those who came to these areas from 2022 are required to leave the area since it does not belong to them, it belongs to the NSSF,” said Mr Mapunda during his meeting with the residents.

The DC vacation order was issued in implementing directives given by Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Mr Jerry Silaa a week ago, instructing all invaders of the area to vacate the invaded land.

Mr Silaa directed the Commissioner for Lands in Dar es Salaam Region to complete the process of obtaining new documents for land purchases to avoid land fraud, which has become rampant.

ALSO READ: Minister orders arrest of suspects over sale of NSSF land

“I direct the commissioner to end this malpractice of land invasion, which is the only way to ensure the public adheres to the law,” he said.

He ordered for arrest of three suspects over fraudulently selling the land belonging to the NSSF at Toangoma area in Temeke District.

“We are here today to implement the instructions issued by the land minister that require invaders to vacate immediately,” NSSF’s Property Manager Geoffrey Timothy said.

“This is a continuation of efforts to stop the invasion at area and we will start with houses that are on both sides of the road and those built on water infrastructure,” said Mr Timothy

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