Saturday, May 30, 2020

Tanzania: Social Welfare Officers Urged to Avoid All Forms of Family Discrimination

SOCIAL welfare officers have been urged to avoid all forms of discrimination in families during this
period of coronavirus (Covid- 19) pandemic.
Speaking during the official opening of a three-day training to 50 social welfare officers from Nyamagana and Ilemela districts, Assistant Director in the Department of Health, Social Welfare and Nutrition in the Ministry of the State in the President's Office (Regional Administration and Local Government), Dr Rashid Maftah, told the officers to play their part in ensuring society shouldn't live in fear despite the Covid-19 disease.
He commended Plan International Tanzania for providing training and said the regional and local government office required training to reach Mwanza residents.
For his part, Plan International Tanzania Manager, Dr Majani Rwambali, said they had decided to provide education to social welfare officials in Ilemela and Nyamagana districts for helping them to work professionally and give health advice to communities.
He further said they would continue cooperating with the government in the fight against Covid-19. Dr Majani urged other stakeholders to turn up in big numbers to help the government eradicate the disease.
Apart from providing training, he added they would also support the government by providing protective gear such as facemasks, sanitisers and gloves.
Mwanza Regional Social Welfare Officer Faith Lukindo said training would help them work with great courage and help confront fear and overcome the coronavirus pandemic.

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