Saturday, December 28, 2019

Regional energy regulator picks Kenyan CEO

Dr Geoffrey Aori Mabea, the newly appointed CEO
Dr Geoffrey Aori Mabea, the newly appointed CEO of Energy Regulatory Association of East Africa (EREA). PHOTO | COURTESY 
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A Kenyan has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Energy Regulatory Association of East Africa (EREA) effective January 2, 2020. 
Dr Geoffrey Aori Mabea will be based at the EREA head office in Arusha-Tanzania, to serve in the body established to spearhead energy unions of East African countries.
Dr Mabea joins EREA from the University of Dundee–UK, where he has been a regional energy markets researcher.
He will serve on contractual basis for four years, and his tenure will be subject to extension based on his performance.
Dr Mabea previously worked with PwC Kenya as a Capital Projects and Infrastructure Advisor.
His PhD research, according to an article published by the EREA, quantified the economic welfare of integrating the energy markets for EAC.
He further developed a model for introducing wholesale electricity markets for EAC as well as published on another model for integrating renewable energy into the power system.
In a telephone interview, Dr Mabea who has spent over a decade in various roles in the energy sector, research and in consulting said he was ready for the enormous task ahead of him.
“Among others, I hope that as EREA, we will be able to narrow the energy access gap as well as meet the energy demand in the region,” Dr Mabea said.
According to the EREA, the CEO will report to the Executive Council and will be responsible for overall management of the association. 
Dr Mabea will also initiate and sustain collaboration and cooperation with other regional and international institutions for the benefit of EREA, among several other duties.
The EREA was established to work as a regional entity to facilitate smooth and strategic harmonisation of necessary frameworks as well as providing advisory through; the available pool of experts and initiating capacity building among the National Regulatory Institutions (NRI) of the member countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda).
EREA is an association of National Energy regulators, public entities of the East Africa Community (EAC) countries through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into by the then the National regulatory institutions agreed to work together to promote Energy Union.

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