Some of representatives from private companies who turned up for the training. Courtesy..

Innocent Nyirishema, in
charge of corporate services in the Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB)
has urged employers operating in the private sector to pay for
employee’s social security.
He made the call during a
meeting that brought together officials at the pension body and
representatives from different private companies in Kigali, which aimed
at sensitizing them on the importance of paying pension premiums for
their employees.
Nyirishema said: “We should
understand that this is our responsibility. Not only thinking about it
as employers, but as Rwandans who know that no one should be left
He gave an example of how some
employers use dubious means to default on their obligations, like hotel
owners who may choose to pay pension contributions for three employees,
and claim the rest of the employees like waiters and cleaners, are
casual workers.
Javan Nkundabakura, the Chief
Labour Inspector in the Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA)
took the trainees through the new Labour Law, and explained their some
of their key responsibilities and rights.
One of the key responsibilities
talked about is availing social security services to employees, both in
the formal and informal sector.
“The law stipulates that every employee should start working when they have their retirement saving scheme already.”
Ejo heza
The employers were also informed more about the informal sector savings scheme, Ejo Heza.
In 2018, Rwanda Social Security
Board (RSSB) introduced a new long term voluntary savings scheme known
as Ejo Heza, which caters for both people who get their income through
salaries, and those who earn money in other ways, not through salaries
This was because only 8 per cent
of 5.4 million active Rwandans in the working age bracket had access to
long-term saving through pension schemes.
The remaining 92 percent, mainly
motorcycle taxi operators, drivers, masons, farmers and people involved
in handcrafts, were excluded from pension schemes.
“The vision of the country is
that every Rwandan who is able to work today, and earn something, will
have support that compensates the wage, in the time he/she won’t be able
to work”, Nyirishema said.
After one year of Ejo Heza’s
implementation, over 200,000 people are saving, and they have already
secured over a billion francs.
The trainings on social security
were rolled out in Kigali, but will be extended to different sides of
the country in the coming days.
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