Monday, November 4, 2019

Kagame names new cabinet ministers

TOP: Dr Vincent Biruta, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Gen Patrick Nyamvumba, Minister for Internal Security; and Jeanne d'Arc Mujawamariya, Minister for Environment. ABOVE: Aurore Mimosa Munyangaju, Minister for Sports; Edouard Bamporiki, State Minister in the Ministry of Youth and Culture; and Ignancienne Nyirarukundo, State Minister in charge of Social Affairs.

President Paul Kagame on Monday evening reshuffled cabinet, making major changes in...
ministerial positions and senior government dockets.
The changes have seen Dr. Vincent Biruta appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, replacing Dr. Richard Sezibera.
Biruta has been Minister of Environment.
Dr. Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya bounces back into the cabinet and will replace Biruta in the environment docket.
Mujawamariya has until her appointment been Rwanda’s envoy to the Russian Federation.
General Patrick Nyamvumba who has been Chief of Defence Staff of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) will now be the Minister of Internal Security.
The internal affairs docket had previously been put under the Ministry of Justice.
The Ministry of Sports will henceforth be led by Aurore Mimosa Munyangaju, and she replaces Esperence Nyirasafari, who is in the Senate where she was recently elected vice president in charge of legislation and government oversight.
Munyangaju has been Chief Executive Officer at Sonarwa Life Assurance Company Ltd.
She has a Master’s Degree in Project Management from Maastricht School of Management from The Netherlands.
The cabinet realignment also saw the culture docket moved to the ministry of youth, where Rosemary Mbabazi remains the minister.
In the same ministry (Youth and Culture) Edouard Bamporiki was appointed as state minister.
Bamporiki has been the Chairman of the National Itorero Commission.
Former legislator Ignatienne Nyirarukundo will serve as Minister of State of the Ministry of Local Government in charge of Social Affairs, where she replaced Dr Alivera Mukabaramba.
Mukabaramba is now in the Senate where she was recently elected vice president in charge of administration and finance.
The changes also saw Assumpta Ingabire appointed Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion and Didier Shema Maboko as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports.
Shema is among other activities known for officiating basketball matches as an international umpire.
He has also previously served as a technical advisor in the national basketball federation (FERWABA).
Samuel Dusengiyumva is the new Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government. He was until yesterday the Coordinator of Single Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) at the Ministry of Public Service and Labour.
Dr Rose Mukankomeje returns to public service as Executive Director for Higher Education Council, where she replaces Emmanuel Muvunyi who was relieved of his duties last month.
Mukankomeje was once Director General of Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA).
Former Senator Tito Rutaremara is the new head of Rwanda Elders Advisory Council where he replaces Dr Augustin Iyamuremye, the current Senate President.
The elders' council also got a new member in Marc Kabandana, who was once Mayor of the City of Kigali and has also previously served as the Director-General of the current Rwanda Management Institute.

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