Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why consistency of effort matters the most in investment

Nothing is more important than consistency in pursuit of any goal in life. Nothing is more important than consistency in pursuit of any goal in life. FILE PHOTO | NMG 


    • Nothing is more important than consistency in pursuit of any goal in life.
    • It is your consistence and commitment to your goal, not necessarily intensity that that will bring victory. Intensity is only good is accompanied by consistency.
    • One key enemy of success is bad habits that we often struggle to get rid of.
Some years ago, I was introduced to a gym by a friend. On the first day I did some good workout that impressed even the coach.
However, the following day I had difficulties waking up, walking, even laughing. Every part of my body that could ache was aching. So, I stayed away from the gym for about four days to recover. When I showed up the fifth day, my coach looked at me at told me that if I wanted to get benefits from the gym consistency is more important than intensity.
As I reflected on his simple advice, I discovered actually it’s not in the gym only where consistence is king. In business and in almost all aspects of our lives we need consistency more than intensity to get quality results and breakthrough.
In school we were told that it is not reading overnight when exams are near the corner that makes a student excel in exams. It is studying consistently throughout the term. ­­
Finance experts tell us that we can improve our financial wellness by saving consistently, however small amount rather than saving a large amount of money sporadically.
In business we generally invite mediocre performance when do what need to be done so well but irregularly.
Processes like customer care, prospecting, sales and marketing are supposed to be done regularly and consistently to get results.
Every time when you find things are not working well in your business or life you need to find out one or few things that if done consistently would turn around your situation.
Most of the time you find your enterprise is shaking because of a crack or weakness in one key pillars. It could be your sales promotion, your prospecting, your product development or spending habits that need to be given a consistent attention.
Right away if you paused and asked yourself one question and answered it right you can easily change your life in a way that can only be described as miraculously. The question is: What is the one consistent thing or behaviour that I know that if I implemented it consistently it could lead to a breakthrough in my business or life?
Basically, it does not need to be a mega thing. It could be as simply as writing two pages daily for those who aspire to be authors; making few sales calls per day, saving a little amount of money every month, praying daily for spiritual health or observating a healthy lifestyle daily.
Nothing is more important than consistency in pursuit of any goal in life. It is your consistence and commitment to your goal, not necessarily intensity that that will bring victory. Intensity is only good is accompanied by consistency.
One key enemy of success is bad habits that we often struggle to get rid of. The only known cure for bad habits is to replace them with good habits which must be practised consistently until they become part of your character.
Mr Kiunga is a business trainer and the author of The 7 Pillars of Financial Success. murorikiunga@yahoo.com

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