Monday, May 1, 2017

Call for African women to be involved in global fund

Juliana Rotich, a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of BRCK and Ushahidi. file photo | nmg Juliana Rotich, a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of BRCK and Ushahidi. file photo | nmg 
Kenya has called for inclusion of African women in the process of setting up a global fund targeting female entrepreneurs.
Kenya’s representative to this year’s Women20 Summit held in Berlin, Germany, Juliana Rotich said
that African women should be part of “conceptualisation, talks and implementation of the fund”.
The forum was attended by IMF managing director, Christine Lagarde.
“Innovation and tech can help accelerate inclusion of women, making it transformational, bringing people out of poverty,” said Ms Rotich, a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of BRCK and Ushahidi.
Ms Rotich said the only way to do this is by involving women tech entrepreneurs who are part and parcel of creating solutions in Kenya and Africa.
Already, Germany has announced plans to ask other G20 countries to contribute to the start-up capital fund that will be distributed by the World Bank.

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