Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Arms law for review in conflicts’ aftermath

JOHN NDITI in Morogoro
THE government will review the law governing possession of weapons should incidents of attacks between farmers and pastoralists persist, Home Affairs Minister Mwigulu Nchemba vowed yesterday.

Mr Nchemba’s assurance came as he was responding to the request by Morogoro Regional Commissioner, Dr Stephen Kebwe.
Dr Kebwe asked the minister to consider the possibility of changing the law so that it strictly prohibits citizens to walk around with the arms to reduce attack done by pastoralists in the region.
Recently, dispute emerged between pastoralists and peasants in Kilosa District that saw a farmer, Augustino Mtitu, suffering grievous bodily harm after he was speared through his mouth to the neck.
After the incident, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Deputy Minister William ole Nasha told the ‘Daily News’ that the Fifth Phase Government was determined to end land clashes in the country, which have so far resulted into deaths and destruction of properties.
Dr Kebwe requested the changes in law to the minister who visited the Kilosa District for holding talks with the district authorities. He then held meetings with villagers of Tindiga and Dumila over finding solutions to the current conflicts between the farmers and pastoralists.
Dr Kebwe pointed out that among other factors; the leaders of the villages have been causes of the conflicts through welcoming the pastoralists in the villages after accepting corruption from them, which is against the law.
“I have started taking step by investigating all leaders at villages having the disputes, and those identified to be involved in such illegal conducts will face disciplinary measures,” he stated.
He said the recent incident of attacking the peasant was more like robbery rather than land conflict. “And such kind of attackers should face legal actions to stop such crimes,” the RC added.

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