Monday, November 28, 2016

Dr Shein mourns Fidel Castro, describes him as great leader

DAILY NEWS Reporters in Zanzibar
PRESIDENT Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has joined his Union counterpart Dr John Pombe Magufuli and other leaders around the globe to send messages of condolences to President Raul Castro President of Cuba following the death of his brother Fidel Castro Ruiz last Friday.
"We are together with the people of Cuba at this difficult time.
The people of Zanzibar value Cuba and the late Castro because he was among world leaders who recognised Zanzibar revolution," Dr Shein said in the condolence letter.
He said the late Fidel Castro was a great leader and a true friend of Tanzania, and his successor has been doing the same by providing them with support in various development programs including health.
Dr Shein said: "In this mournful period, we people of Zanzibar ask you to pass our words of sympathy to Cuban and members of your family. May he rest in peace!"

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