Today’s topic is certainly one we are all very interested in because requests for it keep coming up.
Yes, you do attract the outcomes that you experience but let
us forget about the law of attraction for a ...
moment. Let’s just talk about the mental process that creates your life as you know it. Your mind is behind everything that you do or fail to do.
moment. Let’s just talk about the mental process that creates your life as you know it. Your mind is behind everything that you do or fail to do.
That in itself may sound like a rather abstract
concept because most people think of the brain when the mind is
mentioned. No one has ever seen the mind.
This is because your mind is not a physical part of
you. It is a function that directs your physical body into action and
or inaction.
Life path
Everything in your life is an expression of your
thinking which takes place in your mind. When you raise your
self-awareness, it becomes pretty simple to read others as one would
read an open book.
Very self-aware persons are able to guage the
mindset, character, background and level of intellect of others simply
by studying an individual’s life path.
Your body is just the place where you live. It is
merely a robot that carries out the instructions of your mind, that is
your thinking.
Your mind is made up of two parts; your conscious
mind and your sub-conscious mind. Your conscious mind is your thinking
This is the place where your free will and
awareness live. Your conscious mind is objective in nature; it can
accept or reject suggestions from your environment such as radio, TV,
newspapers and life around you or the ideas that you originate yourself.
Contrary to what you may believe, you have 100 per cent control over your thinking; it is precisely how you create your life.
Sub-conscious mind
Then there is your sub-conscious mind. This part
of your mind is totally subjective to your conscious mind. Anything
your objective conscious mind accepts, your subjective sub-conscious
mind must accept.
Your sub-conscious mind is your emotional mind.
This is the part of your mind where you store your memories, habits,
conditioned beliefs, and self-image. Properly understanding this
concept can change your whole life.
When you hold thoughts or ideas in your conscious
mind, you consider them. If you accept these held thoughts and ideas,
they are delivered into your sub-conscious mind
Remember that your sub-conscious mind is subjective; anything the conscious mind accepts, it too accepts.
So if you accept the thoughts and ideas in your conscious
mind, they are automatically emotionally charged in your sub-conscious
Herein lies the danger people; whether these
thoughts are positive or negative when they are emotionalised, they
impress themselves upon the sub-conscious mind, which then dictates the
feelings you experience.
Your sub-conscious mind has full command of your
internal positive or negative vibrations which are then experienced as
moods or high octane vibrations on your physical plane.
It is these vibrations, feelings or moods that
inform the actions that your body carries out. When your body carries
out actions or fails to act, the people around you react or respond to
you in direct proportion.
It is this action of your body and reaction of your environment that creates your results; your life’s outcomes.
Similar results
The truth is that results don’t lie. Look around
you. Do you notice the person who is doubtful, fearful, worrisome and
indecisive? The guy right across the hall from you? Ah, if he is also
reading this then that guy could just be you.
They will never be a top performer unless they change the root cause of what makes them act that way - their thinking.
What thoughts have you allowed to occupy your mind
right now? Are they in line with the things that you want or those that
you don’t want? Whatever your response to that, know that your thoughts
produce similar results.
Ms Ruligirwa-Kamara is a life coach.
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