Thursday, December 3, 2015

Worse theft at Dar port uncovered

JUST a week after 349 containers were found missing at the Dar es Salaam Port, another sickening thievery of over 2,400 containers was unearthed yesterday at the country’s major sea gateway.
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa made yet another impromptu tour at the Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) and inspected the Port’s receiving and clearing cargo system, after getting reports that 2,431 containers were cleared without paying taxes.

Following such stomach-turning theft, Mr Majaliwa ordered the TPA acting manager, Hebel Mhanga, to present the names of all those involved in the clearing of the 2,431 containers to his office by 5pm today and issued one week for the billing system to be changed to electronic based e-payment system.
According to inspection report conducted at the Port from March to September 2014, the 2,431 containers were cleared without remitting government revenue through four Inland Container Deports (ICDs); JEFAG, DICD, PMM and AZAM.
Apparently only 10 TPA officers were taken to task over the matter and were suspended. “You decided to suspend the small fish and let the big ones continue working.... the government cannot continue losing revenue like this,” Premier Majaliwa stressed.
While at the Port, Prime Minister Majaliwa inspected different departments of the TPA and witnessed how cargo was inspected using scanners. While in the scanning room, Prime Minister Majaliwa found a manifest, showing a container was full of diapers, while the scanned picture showed the container was full of electricity gadgets.
According to the Acting Port Manager from the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), Ben Usaje, who is also supervisor of the scanning section, with such contradicting information of what is written on the manifest and what is contained in the cargo, the report is usually forwarded to the responsible ICDs, so they can inspect by opening the container.
The Premier also toured the Tanzania Railways Limited (TRL) where he inspected wagons and talked to employees who told him of problems they were facing, some involving salaries and monthly deductions meant for pension funds and SACCOS.
At the TRL offices, Premier Majaliwa inspected station wagons at the central station and talked to workers who aired their grievances that included deductions on salaries to the prime minister.
Speaking to the TRL Director General, Eng Elias Mshana, the Prime Minister said his visit was to learn the operations of the railway company, but noted that he has reports of the company receiving 13.5bn/- from government to improve TRL infrastructure but nothing has been done so far.
“The aim of the money from government was to improve TRL projects so that the company can progress on its own as a business entity but you decided to squander the money,” he noted.
He added: “I also have reports that you also got a loan of 3bn/- from Tanzania Investment Bank to operate TRL projects, but instead you decided to use the money to pay your own salaries. So how will you pay back the loan when there is no project running,” queried the premier.
The Prime Minister received detailed accounts of workers’ claims from the TRL TRAWU Secretary, Boaz Nyakeke, which included monthly deductions that had not been remitted to pension funds and the TRL SACCOS.
Majaliwa directed Eng Mshana to oversee improvements of TRL transport services in the city centre, so that once the DART buses start operating, the public can have an alternative choice.
“We want to build a big yard outside of city, where people can park their motor vehicles and use DART or TRL transport services to get to the city centre, as one way of reducing traffic congestion in the city,” he explained.

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