Tuesday, December 1, 2015

AfDB chief requires 118trn/- annually to electrify Africa

Akinwumi Adesina is the President of the African Development Bank. He previously served as Nigeria's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. (File photo)
 ew African Development Bank (AfDB) president Akinwumi Adesina has set electrifying the whole of Africa one of his top priorities saying he can mobilise US$55 billion (about 118.3trn/-) annually to make it happen.

That amounts to nearly 148 per cent of Tanzania’s gross domestic product (GDP) and it is five times the current government’s budget. This year’s budget of the ministry of Energy and Minerals is 537bn/-.
The former Nigerian minister of Agriculture and Cooperative Development wants to accomplish the assignment in a decade. Akinwumi Adesina, who was elected to lead the lender in September, is undaunted by the scale of the challenge.
At least 620 million people have no access to power, including vast populations in war-torn countries such as South Sudan, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 
In Tanzania, about 30 per cent of the population has access to electricity, whose generation and supply are yet to be stable and reliable.
“I’m not bothered by that amount—that money is there,” Adesina told Bloomberg of the US in a phone interview late last week.
“Today, Africa generates US$540 billion (1,161.5trn/-) in tax revenue per year. If you take 10 per cent of that and devote it to the energy sector, the problem is solved. If we light up and power Africa, we can have a GDP growth rate of double digits without any problem at all.”
The target for Tanzania Revenue Authority in the current financial year is 12.3trn/-. Devoting 10 per cent of that for the energy sector would boost the ministry’s budget by 1.23trn/-, which is more than double its 2015/16 financial plan.
‘The New Energy Deal for Africa’
The leader of the lender, who replaced Donald Kaberuka in September, is implementing a programme dubbed The New Energy Deal for Africa, which aims to extend electricity to the entire continent by 2025.
Adesina’s energy outlook suggests support for developers of both renewable and fossil-fuel generation plants in the continent. 
He wants aid donors and African governments to scale up investment in energy and will use the bank’s leverage to encourage financial flows from private companies. 
The development bank said this month that it will triple its funding for climate-related projects to US$5 billion per year. It also plans to reform the pricing of energy, utilities and subsidy programmes in Africa’s energy industry. 
The focus will be on renewables. 
It doesn’t rule out coal, which the World Bank is prodding development institutions to fund only in the most extraordinary circumstances.
“The AfDB isn’t against coal,” Adesina said, maintaining the policy of his predecessor, Donald Kaberuka. “We look at all sorts of energy. Africa will develop with what is has. It needs green growth, and we will move in that direction, but you cannot make the shift overnight.” 
About US$527 billion invested in Africa’s power industry between 2014 and 2025, with nearly 30 per cent in renewables and over half in transmission and distribution, according to the International Energy Agency in Paris. 
About US$93 billion of that will be for fossil fuel plants.
The AfDB will focus on big regional projects such as the Inga Dam in DR Congo. It has the potential to generate 44 gigawatts. It’s also backing the 310-megawatt Lake Turkana wind project in Kenya and solar plants in Morocco and South Africa.
The bank is working closely with public institutions such as the World Bank, International Finance Corp. and the governments of the US, the UK, Germany, Japan and China. 
It is also trying to spur private investment by reducing the risk of projects with partial risk guarantees and credit enhancement instruments.
It has recently created Africa50, a platform to work on project development, with the goal of leveraging US$10 billion of private investment into the energy industry over the next 10 years.
“Africa has a lot of sovereign wealth funds and pension funds and we want to leverage them into energy asset classes,” said Adesina. There are also private equity funds investing in independent power projects, he said.

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