Women exposed to high levels of traffic pollution during the
second trimester of pregnancy are at higher risk of giving birth to a
child with weak lungs, researchers said Monday.
a long-term study, investigators in Barcelona enrolled 1,295 pregnant
women who attended pre-natal clinics in Sabadell, in Catalonia, and at
Gipuzkoa in the northwestern Basque region.
measured two traffic pollutants — benzene and nitrous dioxide — in the
women's residential neighbourhoods at different times during their
They used this data to draw up a model of exposure for the women, and also for their offspring during their first year of life.
The model took account of differences in geography, climate, population density and time of year.
the children reached four and a half years of age, a nurse measured
their lung capacity with an inflation gadget called a spirometer.
A total 620 pre-schoolers were tested — many others were unable to blow properly into the device.
children of women exposed to higher benzene levels during their fourth
to sixth months of pregnancy were 22 per cent more likely to have
impaired lung function than those from less polluted areas, the study
For nitrous oxide, the risk was 30 per cent higher.
The link was stronger among children with allergies, or those from a lower social class.
But exposure levels to traffic pollution in the first year of life made no difference to lung strength, the inquiry found.
results "suggest that exposure to traffic-related air pollutants during
the prenatal period could adversely impact the developing lung," the
authors reported in the journal Thorax.
"Substantial health benefits" could accrue from curbing traffic pollution, they added.
team led by Eva Morales at Barcelona's Centre for Research in
Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), believe they are the first to give a
long-term view of how air pollution during pregnancy can affect a
child's lungs.
The study did consider whether either or both of a child's parents smoked before or during pregnancy.
But it did not examine whether the mothers had been exposed to gas, dust or fumes in their jobs while pregnant.
Nor was it powered to measure exposure to particulate matter, another notorious traffic pollutant.
an independent comment, Seif Shaheen, a professor of respiratory
epidemiology at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry,
said a clearer picture may have emerged if pollution levels were
monitored directly in the volunteers' homes rather than their
Even so, "the findings should be taken very seriously by policymakers," Britain's Science Media Centre quoted Shaheen as saying.
results suggest that more needs to be done to reduce air pollution in
order to improve public health, and in particular the lung health of the
next generation."
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