
Thursday, February 1, 2024

President Samia hypes arbitrations to attract more investors

 Esther Takwa

DODOMA: President Samia Suluhu Hassan has thrown her weight behind arbitration as a strategy for attracting more investors to the country.

As the government intensifies efforts to attract investors, President Samia highlighted the Judiciary’s role in expediting the hearing process of business cases and prioritizing arbitration.

During the commemoration of Law Day at the Chinangali grounds in Dodoma on Thursday, the Head of State stressed the inseparable link between justice and economic development for the welfare of the country.

“We must speak the language of business and investment. Investors value time greatly, which is why stakeholders in the Judiciary should focus on reducing procedural delays so that citizens and investors can engage in productive activities,” she said.

President Samia emphasized that arbitration expedites the delivery of justice without causing harm or injustice to anyone.

Highlighting the importance of arbitration, President Samia urged legal stakeholders, including the School of Law, to accelerate the training of professionals in arbitration. She also tasked the Ministry of Constitution and Legal Affairs with collaborating with arbitration panels to identify areas for improvement, including the formulation of enabling policies.

“Lawyers should seize this opportunity and find ways to benefit from it. Many countries that attract capital and investment prioritize conflict resolution through arbitration. It is time for Tanzania to move in this direction,” she stated.

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