
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Jirongo links Moi’s son to firm at centre of land fraud charge

Former Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo. PHOTO | FILE
Former Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo. PHOTO | FILE 

Former Lugari legislator Cyrus Jirongo has claimed in court that the son of former President Daniel arap Moi — Jonathan — is linked to a firm at the centre of a dispute between him and businessman Sammy Boit Kogo.
Mr Jirongo claims in suit papers that before buying Soy Developers Limited from Mr Kogo in 1991, the businessman admitted to being a proxy of Jonathan Moi who was the actual owner of the real estate firm.
Mr Jirongo adds that he paid Sh7 million in 1992 to Mr Moi as part-payment in his acquisition of Soy Developers and its prime piece of land in Nairobi’s Upper Hill on instruction from Mr Boit.
The former Lugari MP has made the claims in a suit seeking to stop his prosecution over a prime piece of land in Upper Hill’s Elgon Road, and claims that Mr Kogo is using the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (CID) director and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to ensure that he is convicted.
The office of the DPP in February approved Mr Jirongo’s arraignment in court over charges of giving false information to the police, forging land documents and illegally using the land to secure a loan.
The DCI claims Mr Jirongo lied to detectives about giving Sh7 million to Mr Moi before using the Upper Hill land to illegally secure a Sh50 million loan from collapsed Postbank Credit Limited.
Both Mr Boit and Mr Moi denied to police that the former President’s son received money from Mr Jirongo or that he is linked to Soy Developers Limited.
“Mr Boit claims to deny any relationship, involvement or connection between Soy Developers Limited and Jonathan Moi yet it was Jonathan Moi who on February 13, 1989 applied on behalf of Soy Developers Limited to be allocated the suit property.”
“As part of the purchase price, Mr Jirongo also paid to Jonathan Moi Sh7 million in May 1992. Mr Kogo claimed that he and his wife were simply proxies of the said Jonathan Moi who it was said was the true owner of the subject property,” Mr Jirongo says in court filings.
The DCI in its response to the suit says it found that Mr Jirongo despite agreeing to acquire Soy Developers and the Upper Hill land for Sh20 million, only paid half of the agreed figure.
Maxwell Otieno, a detective, says Mr Boit did not execute transfer documents for the firm or the land hence Mr Jirongo illegally represented himself as a director of Soy Developers.
He adds that the DCI investigations were opened following a complaint by Mr Kogo, who held that the title deed to the Upper Hill land got lost in Soy Developers’ offices.
But Mr Jirongo says the firm directorship Mr Kogo provided to the detectives and which has been used as evidence against him in the criminal case is not complete as they only exhibit who owned the company before 1992.

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