
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Bunge Standing Orders stressed as session starts

NATIONAL Assembly Speaker Job Ndugai has reminded MPs on the need to adhere to Standing Orders and tolerance to facilitate suitable deliberations as opposition legislators returned to the House yesterday, ending their boycott that lasted for weeks during the previous session.

Mr Ndugai went on to shower praise on the Deputy Speaker, Dr Tulia Ackson, alternate presiding chairpersons and Speaker’s Office staff for ensuring smooth running of the legislative assembly during the budget session, which took off on April 19 and ended on June 30.
“As MPs, we all know our obligations – that we must adhere to regulations and maintain tolerance amongst ourselves,” Mr Ndugai, who doubles as MP for Kongwa, told legislators.
Opposition MPs had shunned meetings during the previous budget sessions that were chaired by Dr Tulia, who they accused of bulldozing them until they made a turnaround recently and agreed to take part in the House business.
Mr Ndugai spent most of the time during the previous sessions in India where he underwent treatment. He took time yesterday to appreciate the support given by President John Magufuli and all Tanzanians when he was sick.
“President Magufuli made close-follow ups of my treatment when I was in India. I really appreciate this. I offer my sincere appreciation to him, religious leaders, my constituency members and all Tanzanians who prayed for me during that time,” he stated.
Meanwhile, Mr Ndugai informed the MPs that President Magufuli has assented to the five Bills passed by the National Assembly during the last session.
They include the Finance Appropriation Act number 2, 2016, the Finance Bill Act number 2, 2016, the Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) number 3, 2016 as well as the Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) number four 2016 and the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act number 5, 2016.
Mr Ndugai noted further that the Steering Committee of the House was currently deliberating on a proposal to shun introduction of guests in the National Assembly to save time. The Speaker explained that the move will not involve foreign dignitaries.
It has been a tradition for local guests to be introduced after the question-and-answer sessions. Most of such guests are invited by their respective MPs

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