
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Julia Roberts blamed in sister's suicide note

Julia Roberts' half-sister claimed the actress and her siblings "drove her" into depression. Production assistant Nancy Motes died of an overdose in February and in her suicide note she said her mother Betty, the Pretty Woman star and other relatives deserved "nothing" because of the way they treated her. PHOTO/BANG SHOWBIZ

Julia Roberts' half-sister claimed the actress and her siblings "drove her" into depression. Production assistant Nancy Motes died of an overdose in February and in her suicide note she said her mother Betty, the Pretty Woman star and other relatives deserved "nothing" because of the way they treated her. PHOTO/BANG SHOWBIZ 
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Julia Roberts' half-sister claimed the actress and her siblings "drove her" into depression.

Production assistant Nancy Motes died of an overdose in February and in her suicide note which has been made public for the first time she said her mother Betty, the Pretty Woman star, actor Eric Roberts and actress Lisa Roberts Gillan deserved "nothing" because of the way they treated her.
The note, which has been obtained by MailOnline, begins by saying Nancy's fiance John Dilbeck can have "whatever he wants" of her possessions, including their dog Lucy.
It continued: "My mother and so-called 'siblings' get nothing except the memory that they are the ones that drove me into the deepest depression I've ever been in.
"I have suffered thru this disease all my life, however It has never been this bad.
"I burst into tears every morning b/c I woke up.(sic)"
The note was filed in court papers in relation to probate of Nancy's estate and has three specific sections, one addressed to John, another to her mother and Julia, and a third addressed to "everyone."
However, the section addressed to Betty and the 46-year-old actress has not been made public as it isn't in the court file and under Californian law, the Los Angeles County Coroner is only obliged to give the pages to the person to whom they are addressed.
John who found Nancy's body has added his note, which sees him praised as her "one true love" and begged for forgiveness by the 'Glee' assistant, who described herself as "nothing but a junky".
She wrote: "I know this will effect you the most and & I can't apologize enough.
'I was truly blessed & lucky to have you as my true love and best friend. I will carry you with me forever.... And I am so sorry."
Nancy had a rocky relationship with her famous sibling, and before her death lashed out at her on Twitter.
She wrote: "Just so you all know, America's Sweetheart is a b*****
"Do you want to be a fan of someone so cruel? She's not even that good of an actress. Happy you totally f***** me'.(sic)."

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