
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Govt for more awareness sessions on carbon trade

Minister of State in the Vice President's Office (Union and Environment) Dr Selemani Jafo

Photo: State House
Minister of State in the Vice President's Office (Union and Environment) Dr Selemani Jafo

 By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian

THE government has said more needs to be done to create awareness among various stakeholders about the rules and guidelines governing carbon trade.

Minister of State in the Vice President's Office (Union and Environment) Dr Selemani Jafo made the remarks here on Tuesday during a seminar for members of Parliamentary Committee on Water and Environment and that of Constitution and Legal Affairs on carbon trade.

Jackson Kiswaga, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Water and Environment, asked the government to prepare a plan to promote carbon trade opportunities, including establishing a special marketing unit that will promote business opportunities through meetings, conferences and workshops.

“We were in one of the meetings abroad, and I saw our neighbouring countries taking advantage of opportunities to promote carbon trade investment opportunities in the meeting; we have to organize ourselves to promote this business,” said Kiswaga who is the MP for Kalenga.

Special Seats MP Riziki Lulida asked the government to ensure that it conducts inspections of various forests in the country which are currently invaded by groups of herders and farmers to preserve the environment of those areas.

The carbon trade topic was presented by National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC) director Prof Eliakim Zahabu.

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