
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

JICA celebrates the completion of the second Next Innovation with Japan in Tanzania (NINJA2)

 Capacity Building session

Supporting innovative and impactful start-ups in Tanzania

Next INnovation with JApan (NINJA) is a start-up support initiative designed to support entrepreneurs and start-ups in developing countries which are creating innovative business models and technologies to

solve social issues. NINJA’s support includes entrepreneurship development activities, business matching, promotion of venture/impact investment, and policy recommendations to strengthen the ecosystem.

JICA Tanzania launched the second NINJA competition in January 2022 (NINJA2) to continuously support start-ups in Tanzania, and is pleased to announce the successful completion of NINJA2.

As a first selection stage of NINJA2, 3 Tanzanian start-ups emerged from a total of 162 applicants whereby JICA had provided capacity building program for them for 5 months. Then, as a final selection stage 2 out of the 3 start-ups were selected as a winner i.e., EcoAct Tanzania Limited, Agripoa Company Limited. JICA provided cash award for these 2 start-ups to support their Proof of Concept (PoC) activities.

As part of the Initiative, 3 start-ups selected at a first selection stage took a capacity building session based on their identified technical capacity building needs through Deloitte Consulting Limited. The technical assistance included monitoring their progress, mentoring, and guiding them on the execution of their PoC, revision of their PoC plans and evaluation of their business operations. Through the technical assistance they have mobilised/brushed up their business and managed to improve their organisational capacity by refining business models and defining business strategies, as well as optimising marketing approaches.

Promenade utilizing plastic lumbers manufactured by EcoAct.

Furthermore, three start-ups received opportunities to make a presentation to Japanese stakeholders (e.g., Japanese companies, Japanese investors, etc) and Tanzanian stakeholders including Tanzanian start-up ecosystem players.

Based on the brushed up their business model and strategy though capacity building session, 2 awarded companies implemented PoC activities for 5 months. They improved their business operation and expand their business though PoC. In February 2023, JICA published their documentary videos of their activities in order to promote their entrepreneurship and also to raise awareness of NINJA.

1. EcoAct Tanzania Limited

<Company Profile>

Established in 2018, EcoAct Tanzania is a social enterprise that focuses on addressing the challenges of post-consumer plastic pollution, waste management, ocean pollution, deforestation, and climate change. EcoAct uses an innovative plastic extrusion technology called “Waxy 2” to recycle waste plastics and turn them into plastic lumber. Plastic lumber is an affordable alternative to wood, reducing the need for building and furniture materials made from wood.

EcoAct uses 100 % recycled post-consumer plastic waste to manufacture durable, affordable, and environmentally friendly plastic lumbers for use in applications ranging from building, construction, furniture making, fencing to landscaping. Bringing the most environmentally conscious products on the market today with unique features, EcoAct’s technology ensures that its manufactured plastic lumbers do not rot, are termite resistant, are waterproof and last more than 40 years without replacement whether used in dry or wet areas.


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