
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Global security initiative encourages better security governance


Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Lanting Forum on the Global Security Initiative: China’s Proposal for Solving Security Challenges, Beijing, on February 21, 2023. PHOTO | COURTESY


·         Since the GSI was put forward, it has received extensive attention and positive responses from the international community

The issue of security bears on the well-being of people of all countries, the lofty cause of world peace and development, and the future of humanity.

Today, the great changes that have not happened in a century are evolving with an accelerated pace, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence, as are manifested by the far-reaching impact of the pandemic, the rise of deglobalisation thoughts, local conflicts, frequent upheavals, and entwined traditional and nontraditional security issues. Mankind is facing unprecedented challenges, and the international community is facing an issue of the times, i.e. “What kind of security concept does the world need and how countries can achieve common security”.

Building a safer world is a strong desire of people all over the world, and it is also the unswerving pursuit of China.

China adheres to the path of peaceful development, and is committed to providing Chinese wisdom and China’s plan to tackle the current security dilemma and seek universal security of the world.

In April 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Security Initiative (GSI) for the first time in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022, and systematically explained China’s position and proposals for promoting security for all in the world and safeguarding world peace and tranquillity, and advocated unity in adapting to the profoundly adjusted international situation, and a win-win approach in dealing with complex and intertwined security challenges.

The Global Security Initiative is another important international public good that China contributes to the world, aiming at providing a new direction for eliminating the root causes of international conflicts and responding to international security challenges, and seeking a long-term solution for world peace and common prosperity.

Since the GSI was put forward, it has received extensive attention and positive responses from the international community.

At present, more than 80 countries and international organizations have expressed their appreciation and support for the GSI.

Whenever China proposes an international initiative, it does not sit and pontificate, let alone dwell on empty voices.

China is not only the initiator of this major initiative, but also a firm activist to promote its implementation.

In order to further enhance the international community’s understanding of the GSI and respond to the expectations of all parties, on February 21, 2023, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Lanting Forum on the Global Security Initiative: China’s Proposal for Solving Security Challenges, in which he announced the release of the GSI Concept Paper.

Releasing of the GSI Concept Paper demonstrates China’s commitment to maintaining world peace and its firm resolve to protect global security.

The GSI Concept Paper further explains the core concepts and principles of the Initiative: Stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security; Stay committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries; Stay committed to abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter; Stay committed to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously; Stay committed to peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation; Stay committed to maintaining security in both traditional and nontraditional domains.

These six commitments are interlinked and mutually reinforcing, and are an organic whole of dialectical unity.

The GSI Concept Paper further clarifies 20 key cooperation directions by listing 20 key directions on the most prominent and urgent security concerns of the international community at present, and has a clear action orientation.

To sum up, they are: Firmly support the core role of the United Nations in security governance; Strive to promote coordination and sound interaction among major powers; Actively promote dialogues to resolve hotspot issues in a peaceful way; Effectively respond to traditional and nontraditional security challenges; Continuously strengthen the global security governance system and capacity building.

China advocates that all parties actively promote the integration of security concepts and interests in aspects including but not limited to these 20 ones, and work with China to complement and promote each other and jointly promote world peace and tranquillity.

The GSI Concept Paper further proposes relevant cooperation platforms and mechanisms.

The Paper lists five cooperation platforms and mechanisms to support and promote the implementation of the Initiative, hoping to inject new impetus and vitality into the existing cooperation platforms and mechanisms in the field of international security.

It welcomes and encourages new cooperation platforms and mechanisms to provide more choices for the international community, and achieve synergy on the basis of the existing security dialogue and cooperation platforms.

Without peace and security in Africa, there will be no stability and prosperity in the world. As the largest developing country in the world, China has shared weal and woe with the vast number of African countries and is a constructive participant and active contributor to the cause of peace and security in Africa.

China has proposed and promoted the implementation of China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation Fund projects to provide various support to African peacekeeping and stability efforts.

China has also actively participated in UN peacekeeping operations with nearly 2,000 Chinese peacekeepers currently on duty in Africa.

In addition, China has been constructively involved in mediating hotspot issues in Africa, and appealed to the international community on various occasions to pay more attention and offer greater support to Africa’s efforts in resolving peace and security issues.

From proposing the GSI to formulating its Concept Paper, China has given full consideration to the security concerns of African countries.

Among the 20 priority cooperation aspects listed in the Concept Paper, you will find such priorities as supporting the security efforts of African countries, the African Union and sub-regional organizations, supporting African countries in strengthening their ability to safeguard peace independently, and supporting addressing African problems in the African way.

The Paper also emphasizes the need to actively implement the Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa proposed by China, and to give play to the important role of the China-Africa Peace and Security Forum, with the aim of further concentrating on the cause of peace and security in Africa and helping Africa achieve the goal of “Silencing the Guns” at an early date.

Tanzania is an important country in East Africa and plays an important role in Africa’s peace and security affairs.

Enjoying traditional friendship, China and Tanzania have been firmly supporting each other in safeguarding sovereignty, security and development interests, and maintaining communication and cooperation in resolving regional hotspot issues, thus jointly making important contributions to the world peace.

China looks forward to take the opportunity of GSI’s implementation to deepen cooperation with Tanzania in the field of peace and security, work together with Tanzania to meet various traditional and nontraditional security challenges, and jointly safeguard the overall interests of the vast number of African countries and other developing nations.

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