
Saturday, February 4, 2023

A CRM solution designed to deliver exceptional customer service




A CRM solution designed to deliver exceptional customer service


Today’s customers are more empowered and sophisticated than ever before. They are exposed to a multitude of goods and services, and product parity makes defining your company’s competitive edge more challenging. Great customer service has

become the key differentiator in attracting and retaining customers. But delivering great customer service requires the right tools. 1Stream, southern Africa’s leading CRM and contact centre technology provider, has a Helpdesk solution designed to deliver exceptional customer service. [Watch our video now] Deliver a consistent experience, nurture customer relationships and build brand loyalty.

1. Deliver consistent customer service, simply and seamlessly

Training staff has always required a lot of investment with mixed results. Some staff are hardwired towards service delivery, while others need prompting to help them solve customer queries. This means customers receive conflicting experiences when dealing with your organisation and that has a negative effect on their overall perception of your brand.

1Stream CRM has everything you need to help your team deliver consistent, professional service. All customer information is available in one place with an easy-to-use interface.

Dashboards provide managers with all the information they need in real-time. Managers can see any high-priority or urgent tickets that need immediate attention. They can check on customer satisfaction or jump into reports to see ticket volume, types of incoming tickets or how each team member is performing.

2. Nurture your customers and resolve their issues the first time

Repeat customers are your low-hanging fruit, but if they have to reintroduce themselves every time they interact with you, that special feeling dies. You need to nurture these relationships, and knowing exactly who your customer is and their history with your company is critical. It’s an essential part of relationship building.

With 1Stream CRM, your team has access to your customer’s full contact history, including their details, other tickets they’ve opened, their sales orders, preferred method of contact and any important internal notes from colleagues.

3. Make the process seamless with an omnichannel solution

Customers often view service queries as time-consuming and frustrating. They worry they’ll be customer number 524 in the queue, while their voice minutes get eaten up listening to piped music playing in the background.

Today’s experience couldn’t be more different. 1Stream makes this process seamless with their omni-channel solution. Customers can choose their preferred method of contact and can get in touch through WhatsApp, e-mail, website form, live chat, SMS, social media or phone. Each customer interaction is recorded. A full history of every touch point is kept and follow-ups are seamless as your team knows exactly when, how and what was discussed in the last customer contact. Customer service agents can track hundreds of service requests from multiple channels to ensure each ticket is answered accurately, on time and in the right context.

The smart solution to overcome challenges

1Stream CRM is the all-in-one solution designed to help companies deliver consistent service across all departments. We simplify this process for customers, agents and managers so that interactions are seamless and successfully completed.

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