
Monday, January 23, 2023

Mining sector employment grow by 96 per cent


EMPLOYMENT in the mining sector has grown by 96 per cent to over six million people, thanks to the changes in the 2017 Mining Law.

The changes in the mining laws that included also the adoption of the Local Content regulations have made the local purchases reach 92 per cent.

The Mining Commission Executive Secretary, Yahya Samamba said in Dodoma recently that the changes in the mining laws have contributed to the sector’s growth and its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product.

“Before changes in the mining laws, most mining companies were employing many foreign nationals even in jobs that could be done by Tanzanians,” he said.

He added, the situation led the government to make changes in the mining laws to increase the participation of Tanzanians in the mining economy through employment, provision of services in the mines such as food and the distribution of mining equipment.

He added that the changes also led to an increase in local purchases up to 92 per cent compared to less than 50 per cent before the changes in mining laws where most of the products were imported even though they were available in the country.

“Currently, many companies are buying products and services locally and for products that are not available in the country, the company requests import permission from the Mining Commission,” said Eng Samamba.

He has said that through the effective management of the implementation of the principles of the participation of Tanzanians in the mining sector, many Tanzanians have started to hold high positions in the management of mining after meeting the required qualifications.

He said also that there is increased awareness of the participation of Tanzanians in the mining sector due to the education provided by the Mining Commission.

Eng Samamba said further that due to the attention of the Mining Commission on the management of the improvement of community services carried out by mining companies, significant strides have been achieved in many regions including infrastructure improvements of roads, water, construction of schools and health centres.

He added that previously the mining companies were designing projects without involving the citizens, but after the change in the mining law, the mining companies are now involving the government through councils and the citizens in the classification of projects that are beneficial to the citizens before their implementation.

He asked the mining companies to continue strengthening relations with the community around them and the citizens to cooperate with the company so that their investment is beneficial to both sides.

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