
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

NMB promotes shared community values via CSR


MANY responsible companies across the globe are becoming increasingly involved in Creating Shared Value (CSV) and conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.

This self-regulating business model helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders plus the public while simultaneously creating economic and social value by focusing on the issues that they are uniquely capable of addressing.

It is against this backdrop that NMB Bank Plc adopted a holistic and sustainable approach to business by committing one per cent of its Profit After Tax (PAT) to address the needs of societies where it operates to finance various Corporate Social Investment (CSI) projects across the country.

To ensure maximum impact, NMB Bank has prioritized five key pillars that include education, health, environment, agriculture and disaster recovery.

Recently, NMB Bank embarked on a South Highlands Zonal tour in Mbeya, Iringa, Njombe and Songwe regions to monitor and evaluate some of the projects that have been financed by the bank, According to the NMB CSR Manager Lilian Kisamba, the bank strongly believes that to be successful in the long term, it must create value for its shareholders and communities to enhance a win-win situation.

“We have committed one per cent of our PAT to support various CSI projects across the country. The more profit we make, the more the budget increases. As a responsible company, we have developed a CSI strategy that we are currently implementing to support various communities where we operate,” Ms Kisamba said the bank has this year alone set aside over 2bn/- to finance CSI projects across the country in its key priority areas which have been used to donate scholastic materials, health and medical equipment and other items.

“As per our ‘Closer to you’ philosophy, we remain committed to working closely with communities where we operate to enhance sustainable development,” Kisamba said.

During a recent visit to the Njombe region, Mary Lihawa, Kidegembye Primary School Deputy Head Teacher re-affirmed that the bank’s support has greatly improved the school’s learning environment.

“Our school has a total of 957 students so with such a big number, we used to face the challenge of desk shortage before NMB bank came to our rescue. To be exact, up to seven pupils would share a desk and this adversely affected their handwriting. With the donated desks from NMB, only three pupils now share a desk and this has greatly improved the learning environment in our school,” Lihawa added.

Frank Zambi the Deputy Head Teacher Jangulutu Primary School in Mbarali equally shared the same sentiments urging that the desks donated by NMB Bank to his school have helped improve the school’s general academic performance.

“For the last three years, our school has been performing very well. We have had a 91 per cent average mark of students who join the secondary school from our school each year. We thank NMB bank for the support rendered to us so far and we look forward to its continued support,” he said.

On his part Ohadi Nosa, the Mgama Secondary School Head Teacher in Iringa Rural said NMB Bank helped to put in place the necessary water and gas infrastructure at the school’s science library.

“Our school library project had stalled but we managed to convince NMB Bank to come to our rescue but and they responded without any hesitation. I must admit that the bank’s donation has helped improve the teaching of science subjects. It is not only useful for students but teachers use it as well to make preparations as well,” he added.

Safia Mshana, a student of Busokelo Girls Secondary School in Rungwe, lauded NMB Bank for the desks and tables donated to her school adding that the desks have helped to improve the school’s learning environment.

“With an improved learning environment, we anticipate that our school’s academic performance will drastically increase. We expect to see more grade ones in the years to come,” she added.

On the health front, NMB Bank has donated various medical equipment including, bed sheets, maternity beds and waiting-for beds to health centres in the Southern Zone as part of its efforts to improve health sector development.

According to Dr Darison Sylvand the Chunya District Medical Officer, the district needs a lot of resources to develop its health facilities adding that the Government alone cannot provide the necessary resources and urged the private sector to support the district’s efforts.

“We have been receiving support from NMB and we are grateful for their support. I take this chance to call upon our stakeholders to support our efforts,” he said.

Kanyelele Dispensary in Rungwe is one of the many beneficiaries of NMB’s health equipment donation as it has already received modern medical equipment. The Kanyelele Dispensary Medical Officer in Charge Dr Flumence Kitima said the maternity beds donated by the bank came in timely as the dispensary receives quite a big number of expectant mothers per week.

“We receive an average of 6-7 expectant mothers per week. The maternity wards donated by NMB have simplified our work since they are modern and adjustable. This makes us attend to patients with ease,” he said.

But Maulid Mwingira the NMB Mbarali Branch Manager hinted that the bank had prioritized the education and health sectors in its CSR spending because of the importance of the sector to society.

“We invest heavily in the education sector because we believe education is the foundation of everything. In Mbarali we have donated roofing sheets to two schools so far this year. The Mengele Secondary School (Mbarali) Teacher Yasin Mwampaba however noted that the bank’s commitment to education sector development will be a catalyst to human capital development shortly urging a good education foundation is ideal for nurturing professionals.

The NMB Bank Northern Zonal Manager Straton Chilongola said the company’s CSR policy requires that upon the construction of structures to linter level, the bank completes the roofing phase by providing all the necessary equipment including timber, nails and iron sheets.

“This practice applies to both schools and health facilities seeking our CSR support. We also offer other requirements depending on a particular request,” Chilongola stressed.

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