
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Indian institution awards Samia for Royal Tour Film


AN Indian based institution—International Iconic Award, has recognised President Samia Suluhu Hassan for her participation in the much publicized Royal Tour Documentary.

The award was presented to the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Dr Pindi Chana on behalf of Dr Samia by the leadership of Miss Jungle International (MJI) and Bega kwa Began a Mama Foundation (BBMF) at a colourful event held in the country’s capital, Dodoma.

MJI is a new international beauty pageant focusing on conserving the environment, engaging in the business of tourism and taking time off for vacations and relaxation.

Speaking after receiving the award on behalf of the President, Dr Chana congratulated the former for her participation in the Royal Tour Documentary which she said had brought a major breakthrough in the tourism industry in the country.

“For sure, everyone is a witness that the Royal Tour Documentary has opened the country and its fruits are being seen by everybody inside and outside the country, and currently, groups of tourists and investors are flocking in the country every day, ” said the Minister.

According to Dr Chana, tourism statistics in the country show that in 2021, Tanzania received 992,692 tourists and in 2022 after the official launching of the Royal Tour film, international tourists number had gone up, adding that as of September the number was 1,034,180.

The minister further paid tribute to the Indian based institution—International Iconic Awards, which is very popular in the film industry in the world for awarding Dr Samia.

“To us, this is yet another catalyst in the implementation of the Royal Tour Programme, and I want to thank Miss Jungle International that received the respective award and today they have handed it over to me,’’ she said.

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