
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Govt: Inculcate value for money spirit in projects

 Meddy Mulisa

THE Deputy Minister for Transport and Works, Engineer  Godfrey Kasekenya has tasked engineers under the Tanzania Building Agency (TBA) to ensure value for money spirit is maintained on projects being implemented in their areas of work.

He issued the directives recently during his one-day tour in Kagera region, where among other things, he visited and inspected a Judge Residential House being  constructed in Bukoba Municipal’s Nshambya Ward.

“Engineers under the Tanzania Building Agency (TBA),  should  ensure value for money on projects being  constructed in different regions. The Judges’ lodges being constructed  in  five regions should be  of good quality and must be completed on the agreed time frame,” he said.

He listed the five regions as Tabora, Shinyanga, Kagera, Mtwara and Kilimanjaro.

Elaborating, Eng Kasekenya also urged the TBA  brigade  building the houses to save money, where necessary, saying: “You can also make saving  on some of the buildings.”

On his part, Kagera Regional Acting TBA Manager, Engineer Adam Nalimi noted that storey building would cost a total of  688,717,815/- upon completion, adding that construction started on 1st March, this year and would be completed on June 15th, 2023.

Meanwhile, Kagera Regional Commissioner (RC),  Mr Albert  Chalamila has advised the government to ensure that Regional Commissioners, where roads projects were being  implemented are present before awarding tenders to contractors.

He made the remarks recently when hosting the Deputy Minister for Transport and Works, Engineer Godfrey Kasekenya, paying him a courtesy call at his office.

“By involving the leaders before awarding tenders to contractors this will enable them (leaders) to give necessary advise and also  enable them to know the projects being constructed in their respective areas,” he said.

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