
Thursday, September 30, 2021

How to implement digital transformation


An effective ERP system offers multiple benefits to help with overall business performance and can help organizations in digital transformation. PHOTO | SHUTTERSTOCK


  • An effective ERP system offers multiple benefits to help with overall business performance and can help organizations in digital transformation.

While manufacturers are taking notice of the possibilities that digital transformation can bring to their business, they are not always sure which technologies are relevant for their business or understand how best to leverage the digital opportunities.

As a manufacturer, digital transformation in your business is a huge step and can be a very expensive one, particularly when you start discussing the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and robotics.

The truth is, there is much value to be gained in starting slowly, creating a digital strategy, and making sure you have the fundamentals in place.

Digitalisation can create efficiencies in a business, open up new revenue streams, and position a company as the technological leader in its industry depending on how “all-in” it chooses to go. 

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software such as SYSPRO 8 provides the platform to automate, integrate, and digitise business processes.

Enabling automation with industry-built solutions simplifies business complexities by providing an end-to-end solution for optimised cost control and enhanced business performance, positively positioning your business for the next generation of manufacturing.

SYSPRO 8 has powerful features that are integrated with the latest innovative technologies. This means that your workforce can work on any device, on any platform, when they want, from anywhere, at any time.

An effective ERP system offers multiple benefits to help with overall business performance and can help organizations in digital transformation. It is a cost-effective entry-point into digitalisation and allows organizations to get the fundamentals of digitalization right, prior to expanding into the more complex and costly technologies.

Click hereto get a complete guide to your digital transformation with ERP for Manufacturers.

Implementing an ERP system is more than just an IT project, it is a business-wide strategy to unlock multiple benefits for stakeholders. Its drivers and business objectives are firmly rooted in the business, and it has a major impact on its people, processes, and culture, so it is important to have the right approach and attitude when embarking on this journey.
To give the implementation the best chance of success, organizations must have top management support, and clear goals, and objectives.

Top management preferably led by the CEO must remain responsible and accountable for the implementation project.

They will need to manage the project and be prepared to accept that there will be setbacks that could happen along the way, but how they are navigated will determine the outcome.
Before you choose an ERP software your end goal or your definition of success must be clearly defined and understood.

You need to know what specific measurable benefits the system needs to deliver and be able to manage stakeholder expectations and gauge whether your various stakeholders such as your employees, management, and customers are happy with the delivered outcomes.

Change management, communication, and user education will also be important role players. You will need to communicate early, often, and in-depth with your people, or they won’t commit to using the system.

Training on the system must be mandatory, and users must understand how it works and why it was necessary to implement the ERP. Training should be ongoing as the scale of the implementation, and the capabilities of the ERP system grows.
It is critical to understand that your ERP solution requires ongoing attention, oversight, and support throughout its life cycle. Without the correct level of attention and maintenance, your system won’t work effectively

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