
Sunday, November 29, 2020

BBI is the most expensive report in Africa

BBI signature collection in Uasin Gishu

A resident of Eldoret town, Uasin Gishu County, signs a booklet during the launch of the Building Bridges Initiative signature collection drive on November 28, 2020.

Jared Nyataya | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • The digital format for collecting signatures for the referendum mind-boggling.

BBI signatures • The cost of compiling the BBI report must have run into billions of shillings, remarks Mohammed Fazal Hussein. He wonders whether this is the most expensive report ever generated in Africa or the world. He also finds the digital format for collecting signatures for the referendum mind-boggling. “I wish the efficiency could be used in running ministries.” His contact is


Covid in church• The biggest joke, James Gakuo says, is the Interfaith Council on Covid-19’s involvement in revising the health rules to reduce the number of people, who should be allowed to attend church services, as one of the means to curb the spread of the pandemic. He poses: “Is the coronavirus spreading only in the churches? Who do these people really represent?” His contact is


Covid in church• The biggest joke, James Gakuo says, is the Interfaith Council on Covid-19’s involvement in revising the health rules to reduce the number of people, who should be allowed to attend church services, as one of the means to curb the spread of the pandemic. He poses: “Is the coronavirus spreading only in the churches? Who do these people really represent?” His contact is


Safaricom data • Robert Musamali is not amused that whenever his internet bundles are depleted, Safaricom raids his airtime. Says he: “Whenever I buy data bundles, I intend to only use, say 20MB or 50MB. They should disconnect my line from the internet if the data bundles are used up, as they do with airtime. Ironically, my line is only disconnected when airtime runs out.” His contact is


Nairobi Metropolitan • Nairobi Metropolitan Services, Babu Shah notes, is fixing pavements on 1st and 2nd Parklands avenues and recarpeting other roads, which is laudable. However, he is unhappy that rubble is left behind. “It seems the work is of poor quality because it's not supervised by roads engineers. With the rains, the roads will have bigger potholes. Please stop the wastage.” His contact is

Have a prudent day, won't you!


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