Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Congo and the chocolate factory: New producer hits the sweet spot
By Reuters
Lowa chocolate factory manager Kalinda
Salumu Alexis and his employee dry cocoa pods at the Lowa Chocolate
Factory in Goma, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo June 23, 2020.
REUTERS/Djaffar Al Katanty
Aisha Kalinda melts the chunks of cocoa in a pan and spoons the brown
gloop into a mould which will become the latest bar produced at the Lowa
chocolate factory, the first locally owned producer in Democratic
Republic of Congo.
For decades, eastern Congo’s underground riches such as gold and coltan have sustained cycles of deadly violence in the area.
But before the country fell apart in the 1990s, North Kivu province exported overground riches too, like coffee and cocoa.
“People have that ignorance of looking at chocolate like it’s something
from abroad, that can’t be made in Africa,” Kalinda said, stirring the
pot. “We decided to break that rule.”
Boosted by increased consumer interest in the provenance of ingredients,
cocoa and coffee are experiencing a renaissance in Congo, said Kevin
Wilkins, a cocoa specialist from ELAN DRC, a UK Aid-funded private
sector development programme.
Thriving in the rich volcanic soils, the beans have attracted interest
from brands like coffee-chain Starbucks and specialty chocolatier Theo
Exports surged to 11,000 tonnes in 2016, up from 600 tonnes in 2000, government data shows.
But while the big brands provide jobs and valuable export earnings for
the country, Congolese chocoholics have for many years been deprived the
pleasure of gorging on their own supply.
In 2014 Kalinda’s grandfather, Kalinda Salumu, had a dream of turning
plantations abandoned after Congo’s independence into productive
cooperatives that could export beans abroad.
In 2018 his first harvest of 200 kg (441 lb) was not enough to reach the
legal minimum to export so he sent his son to Kampala, Uganda’s
capital, to train as a chocolatier.
“We have cocoa, even the best cocoa of all the cocoa in the world,” Salumu boasts happily.
Last year the family established the Lowa factory, named after the river
near where the beans are grown, 150 km (93 miles) west of provincial
capital Goma.
Lacking sophisticated modern equipment, their output is meagre, only 2
kg (4.40 lb) per day, but the bars have found a devoted following in
At a local supermarket Baritegera Nikuse Gloria grabbed a $5 bar. She likes it because it’s local, and organic.
“Since I tasted this chocolate, I haven’t been able to put it down.”
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