Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Tax Justice Lobby group warns of increased illicit financial flows during Covid-19
By Josphat Thiong'o
The Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) has warned of increased illicit
financial flows from Kenya and Africa to other countries in the wake of
the Covid-19 pandemic.
The tax justice lobby group yesterday revealed that with the onslaught
of the global coronavirus pandemic, there are concerns that the scale
and scope of illicit financial flows (IFFs) facilitated by unscrupulous
government officials and other non-state actors could be increasing.
“While authorities focus on the pandemic, other actors should not be
distracted. For African countries to stand on their feet economically
and finance their own development, they need to seal the loopholes
facilitating outflow of resources, at the same time encourage creative
and innovative ways to finance the development agenda,” said Alvin
Mosioma, the Executive Director TJNA.
Mosioma, through a statement sent to newsrooms, pointed out that Africa
is endowed with significant natural resource wealth and with good
husbandry could finance its own development. He observed that there
however exist illegal cross border movement of money and capital that
threatens Kenya’s and the continent’s sustainable development and have
been growing every year.
“It is the role of the civil society to advocate for increased
transparency around public revenues and expenditures. The media should
also invest in improving their skills for in-depth investigations and
expose abuses for action to be taken,” he added.
The executive director also said that despite having achieved
independence well over fifty years ago, the global financial and tax
systems are rigged against the interest of African countries.
This, he said, has severely affected the sovereignty of African nations
by undermining domestic revenue mobilisation in Africa that is required
for public spending and investment, forcing many governments to borrow
and rely on overseas development assistance.
“Trade unions should take advantage of their regional presence and
explore possibilities of collaborating with non-state actors to combat
IFFs in Africa,” said Mosioma.
Rachel Etter-Phoya of Tax Justice Network said that Africa is home to
the world’s largest arable landmass; second largest and longest rivers
and its second-largest tropical forest. According to a study by the
African Development Bank Group, the total value added of its fisheries
and aquaculture sector alone is estimated at USD 24 billion (Sh2.4Trn).
“These flows out of the continent and associated revenue losses dwarf
finance that flows inward in the form of overseas development
assistance, remittances and loans,” she said.
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